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速查表 核心 jQuery(selector jQuery(html jQuery(callback) jQuery.holdReady(hold) each(callback) size() length selector context get([index]) index([selector|element]) data([key] removeData([name|list]) jQuery.data(element queue(element dequeue([queueName]) clearQueue([queueName]) jQuery.noConflict([extreme]) 选择器 #id element .class * selector1 ancestor descendant parent > child prev + next prev ~ siblings :first :last :not(selector) :even :odd :eq(index) :gt(index) :lt(index) :lang(language) :header :animated :focus :root :target :contains(text) :empty :has(selector) :parent :hidden :visible [attribute] [attribute=value] [attribute!=value] [attribute^=value] [attribute$=value] [attribute*=value] [selector1][selector2][selectorN] :first-child :first-of-type :last-child :last-of-type :nth-child :nth-last-child() :nth-last-of-type() :nth-of-type() :only-child :only-of-type :input :text :password :radio :checkbox :submit :image :reset :button :file :hidden :enabled :disabled :checked :selected 属性 attr(name|pro|key removeAttr(name) prop(name|pro|key removeProp(name) addClass(class|fn) removeClass([class|fn]) toggleClass(class|fn[ html([val|fn]) text([val|fn]) val([val|fn|arr]) 筛选 eq(index|-index) first() last() hasClass(class) filter(expr|obj|ele|fn) is(expr|obj|ele|fn) map(callback) has(expr|ele) not(expr|ele|fn) slice(start children([expr]) closest(expr find(expr|obj|ele) next([expr]) nextAll([expr]) nextUntil([exp|ele][ parent([expr]) parents([expr]) parentsUntil([exp|ele][ prev([expr]) prevAll([expr]) prevUntil([exp|ele][ siblings([expr]) add(expr|ele|html|obj[ andSelf() contents() end() 文档处理 append(content|fn) appendTo(content) prepend(content|fn) prependTo(content) after(content|fn) before(content|fn) insertAfter(content) insertBefore(content) wrap(html|ele|fn) unwrap() wrapAll(html|ele) wrapInner(html|ele|fn) replaceWith(content|fn) replaceAll(selector) empty() remove([expr]) detach([expr]) clone([Even[ CSS css(name|pro|[ jQuery.cssHooks offset([coordinates]) position() scrollTop([val]) scrollLeft([val]) height([val|fn]) width([val|fn]) innerHeight() innerWidth() outerHeight([options]) outerWidth([options]) 事件 ready(fn) on(events off(events bind(type one(type trigger(type triggerHandler(type unbind(type live(type die(type delegate(sel undelegate([sel hover([over toggle(fn blur([[data] change([[data] click([[data] dblclick([[data] error([[data] focus([[data] focusin([data] focusout([data] keydown([[data] keypress([[data] keyup([[data] mousedown([[data] mouseenter([[data] mouseleave([[data] mousemove([[data] mouseout([[data] mouseover([[data] mouseup([[data] resize([[data] scroll([[data] select([[data] submit([[data] unload([[data] 效果 show([speed hide([speed slideDown([speed] slideUp([speed slideToggle([speed] fadeIn([speed] fadeOut([speed] fadeTo([[speed] fadeToggle([speed animate(param stop([cle] delay(duration finish( [queue ] ) jQuery.fx.off jQuery.fx.interval Ajax jQuery.ajax(url load(url jQuery.get(url jQuery.getJSON(url jQuery.getScript(url jQuery.post(url ajaxComplete(callback) ajaxError(callback) ajaxSend(callback) ajaxStart(callback) ajaxStop(callback) ajaxSuccess(callback) jQuery.ajaxPrefilter([type] jQuery.ajaxSetup([options]) serialize() serializeArray() 工具 jQuery.support jQuery.browser jQuery.browser.version jQuery.boxModel jQuery.each(object jQuery.extend([deep] jQuery.grep(array jQuery.makeArray(obj) jQuery.map(array jQuery.inArray(val jQuery.toArray() jQuery.sub() jQuery.when(deferreds) jQuery.merge(first jQuery.unique(array) jQuery.parseJSON(json) jQuery.parseXML(data) jQuery.noop jQuery.proxy(function jQuery.contains(container jQuery.isArray(obj) jQuery.isFunction(obj) jQuery.isEmptyObject(obj) jQuery.isPlainObject(obj) jQuery.isWindow(obj) jQuery.isNumeric(value) jQuery.type(obj) jQuery.trim(str) jQuery.param(obj jQuery.error(message) $.fn.jquery 事件对象 event.currentTarget event.data event.delegateTarget event.isDefaultPrevented() event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() event.isPropagationStopped() event.namespace event.pageX event.pageY event.preventDefault() event.relatedTarget event.result event.stopImmediatePropagation() event.stopPropagation() event.target event.timeStamp event.type event.which 延迟对象 def.done(donCal def.fail(failCal) def.isRejected() def.isResolved() def.reject(args) def.rejectWith(context def.resolve(args) def.resolveWith(context def.then(doneCal def.progress([type] def.pipe([donFil] def.always(alwCal def.notify(args) def.notifyWith(context def.progress(proCal) def.state() 回调函数 callbacks.add(callbacks) callbacks.disable() callbacks.empty() callbacks.fire(arguments) callbacks.fired() callbacks.fireWith([context][ callbacks.has(callback) callbacks.lock() callbacks.locked() callbacks.remove(callbacks) jQuery.callbacks(flags) 关于 关于jQuery API 文档 提交bug及获取更新 其它 正则表达式速查表

返回值:undefinedjQuery.ajaxPrefilter( [dataTypes] , handler(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) )


Handle custom Ajax options or modify existing options before each request is sent and before they are processed by $.ajax().

参数见 '$.ajax' 说明。



An optional string containing one or more space-separated dataTypes

handler(options, originalOptions, jqXHR)V1.5

A handler to set default values for future Ajax requests.



A typical prefilter registration using $.ajaxPrefilter() looks like this:

$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) { 
   // Modify options, control originalOptions, store jqXHR, etc 
  • options are the request options
  • ooriginalOptions are the options as provided to the ajax method, unmodified and, thus, without defaults from ajaxSettings
  • ojqXHR is the jqXHR object of the request


Prefilters are a perfect fit when custom options need to be handled. Given the following code, for example, a call to $.ajax() would automatically abort a request to the same URL if the custom abortOnRetry option is set to true:

var currentRequests = {};    
$.ajaxPrefilter(function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
    if ( options.abortOnRetry ) {
      if ( currentRequests[ options.url ] ) {
        currentRequests[ options.url ].abort();
      currentRequests[ options.url ] = jqXHR;


Prefilters can also be used to modify existing options. For example, the following proxies cross-domain requests through http://mydomain.net/proxy/:

$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options ) {
    if ( options.crossDomain ) {
      options.url = "http://mydomain.net/proxy/" + encodeURIComponent( options.url );
      options.crossDomain = false;


If the optional dataTypes argument is supplied, the prefilter will be only be applied to requests with the indicated dataTypes. For example, the following only applies the given prefilter to JSON and script requests:

$.ajaxPrefilter( "json script", function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
    // Modify options, control originalOptions, store jqXHR, etc


The $.ajaxPrefilter() method can also redirect a request to another dataType by returning that dataType. For example, the following sets a request as "script" if the URL has some specific properties defined in a custom isActuallyScript() function:

$.ajaxPrefilter(function( options ) {
    if ( isActuallyScript( options.url ) ) {
      return "script";

This would ensure not only that the request is considered "script" but also that all the prefilters specifically attached to the script dataType would be applied to it.

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