目錄 搜尋
Ruby用户指南 3、开始 4、简单的例子 5、字符串 6、正则表达式 7、数组 8、回到那些简单的例子 9、流程控制 10、迭代器 11、面向对象思维 12、方法 13、类 14、继承 15、重载方法 16、访问控制 17、单态方法 18、模块 19、过程对象 20、变量 21、全局变量 22、实变量 23、局部变量 24、类常量 25、异常处理:rescue 26、异常处理:ensure 27、存取器 28、对象的初始化 29、杂项 RGSS入门教程 1、什么是RGSS 2、开始:最简单的脚本 3、数据类型:数字 4、数据类型:常量与变量 5、数据类型:字符串 6、控制语句:条件分歧语句 7、控制语句:循环 8、函数 9、对象与类 10、显示图片 11、数组 12、哈希表(关联数组) 13、类 14、数据库 15、游戏对象 16、精灵的管理 17、窗口的管理 18、活动指令 19、场景类 Programming Ruby的翻译 Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide 前言 Roadmap Ruby.new 类,对象和变量 容器Containers,块Blocks和迭代Iterators 标准类型 深入方法 表达式Expressions 异常,捕捉和抛出(已经开始,by jellen) 模块 基本输入输出 线程和进程 当遭遇挫折 Ruby和它的世界 Ruby和Web开发 Ruby Tk Ruby 和微软的 Windows 扩展Ruby Ruby语言 (by jellen) 类和对象 (by jellen) Ruby安全 反射Reflection 内建类和方法 标准库 OO设计 网络和Web库 Windows支持 内嵌文档 交互式Ruby Shell 支持 Ruby参考手册 Ruby首页 卷首语 Ruby的启动 环境变量 对象 执行 结束时的相关处理 线程 安全模型 正则表达式 字句构造 程序 变量和常数 字面值 操作符表达式 控制结构 方法调用 类/方法的定义 内部函数 内部变量 内部常数 内部类/模块/异常类 附加库 Ruby变更记录 ruby 1.6 特性 ruby 1.7 特性 Ruby术语集 Ruby的运行平台 pack模板字符串 sprintf格式 Marshal格式 Ruby FAQ Ruby的陷阱


The main text of this book has four separate parts, each with its own personality, and each addressing different aspects of the Ruby language.

In Part I, Facets of Ruby, you'll find a Ruby tutorial. It starts off with a short chapter on some of the terminology and concepts that are unique to Ruby. This chapter also includes enough basic syntax so that the other chapters will make sense. The rest of the tutorial is a top-down look at the language. There we talk about classes and objects, types, expressions, and all the other things that make up the language. We even end with a short chapter on digging yourself out when trouble strikes.

One of the great things about Ruby is how well it integrates with its environment. Part II, Ruby in Its Setting, investigates this. Here you'll find practical information on running Ruby, and using Ruby with the Web. You'll learn how to create GUI applications using Tk, and how to use Ruby in a Microsoft Windows environment, including wonderful things such as making native API calls, COM integration, and Windows Automation. And you'll discover just how easy it is to extend Ruby and to embed Ruby within your own code.

Part III, Ruby Crystallized, contains more advanced material. Here you'll find all the gory details about the language, the metaclass model, tainting, reflection, and marshaling. You could probably speed-read this the first time through, but we found ourselves using the tables in this section even as we were writing the rest of the book.

The Ruby Library Reference is Part IV. It's big. We document over 800 methods in more than 40 built-in classes and modules. On top of that, we have another 70 pages describing some of the more useful library modules that come with Ruby.

So, how should you read this book? Well, it depends on you.

Depending on your level of expertise with programming in general, and OO in particular, you may want to read just a few portions of the book to start with. Here are our recommendations.

If you're a beginner, you may want to start with the tutorial material in Part I. Keep the library reference close at hand as you start to write programs. Get familiar with the basic classes such as Array, Hash, and String. As you become more comfortable in the environment, you may want to investigate some of the more advanced topics in Part III.

If you're already comfortable with Perl, Python, Java, or Smalltalk, then we'd suggest reading the introduction in Chapter 2 first. From there, you may want to take the slower approach and keep going with the tutorial that follows, or skip ahead to the gritty details starting in Part III, followed by the library reference in Part IV.

Experts, gurus, and ``I-don't-need-no-stinking-tutorial'' types can dive straight into the language reference in Chapter 18, which begins on page 199, skim the library reference, then use the book as a (rather attractive) coffee coaster.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with just starting at the beginning and working your way through.

And don't forget, if you run into a problem that you can't figure out, help is available. See Appendix C beginning on page 525 for more information.

Extracted from the book "Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"
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