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在磁碟工具中找到需要修改的啟動硬碟,點選“分割區”,再點選“ ”號新增一個分割區。













使用引導光碟/USB:如果您有Mac OS X安裝光碟或安裝USB,您可以嘗試使用它們來引導您的Mac筆記本。插入光碟或USB,然後按住Option(Alt)鍵,開機時選擇從光碟或USB引導。


你好!蘋果的救援電子郵件信箱和註冊APPLE ID 的信箱是不能是同一個帳號。你可以使用QQ郵箱來填寫 個人推薦QQ郵箱,可以透過QQ客戶端、手機用戶端、微信接收郵件。同時可以同時擁有英文帳號和數字帳號和Foxmail帳號。

你好。天氣過冷以後,Mac的電源會有一定的保護機制。保護機制可能會導致:電池剩餘20%或以下時自動關機。電池剩餘85%或以上時停止充電。 (充電口magesafe顯示紅色,拔下馬上連接顯示綠色,系統顯示沒有在充電。



安裝黑蘋果時出現進度條走到一半可能是由於驅動程式或系統配置不相容。建議您按照以下步驟進行嘗試: 檢查您的安裝鏡像是否完整且正確,可以重新下載或製作安裝鏡像。檢查您的BIOS設定是否符合要求。

opencore 黑蘋果安裝卡在還有15分鐘表面上看是卡在了15分鐘,其實是有在安裝的。




如果「啟動轉換助理」提示您的USB 隨身碟無法建立或沒有足夠的空間

您可能需要更新macOS 或使用較高版本的Windows 10。


另外如何使用Boot Camp 來安裝Windows ?

Boot Camp 可協助您在Mac 上安裝Microsoft Windows。安裝後,請重新啟動Mac,以在OS X 和Windows 之間切換。


在某些情況下,「啟動轉換助理」可能提示無法建立可開機的USB 驅動器,或磁碟上沒有足夠的可用空間。以下是解決方法


#1、安裝最新的macOS 更新。

2、確保您使用的是儲存容量為16GB 或更大的外部USB 隨身碟。


另外要取得Windows 磁碟映像,當您購買Windows 時,其會以可下載的磁碟映像檔(ISO) 或安裝光碟或USB 隨身碟的形式提供。如果您的Windows 副本以DVD 形式提供,您應建立它的磁碟映像以與Boot Camp 搭配使用。如果您的Windows 版本以USB 隨身碟形式提供,您可以從Microsoft 下載ISO。


對Windows 分割區進行格式化

##完成助理的操作後,Mac 會重新啟動至Windows 安裝程式。如果系統詢問您Windows 的安裝位置,請選擇BOOTCAMP 分割區,然後點選「格式化」。


Also, the Boot Camp Assistant will guide you through the entire process of installing Windows on your Mac. Open the app from the Utilities folder in the Applications folder and follow the on-screen instructions to automatically repartition your startup disk and download the relevant software drivers for Windows. If you receive a prompt during installation, please connect a blank USB flash drive

How to make a boot USB disk for Apple computers

Make a uefi USB boot disk on the macbook laptop USB interface Insert the U disk, and then press and hold the Option key during the boot or restart process; at this time, it will boot into the boot menu, and the U disk icon as shown below will appear. Press the arrow keys to move to the EFI Boot icon, and press the Enter key. Boot from USB drive.

First insert the USB disk that has been made with the U boot software into the USB interface of the Apple laptop, and then turn it on. When the notebook starts/restarts, we can continuously press the "option" key to set the U disk. To boot from the disk, the specific steps are as follows: Press and hold [⌥] at the same time, and press to boot.

Press and hold the "optin key" when turning on/restarting. Enter a startup options interface. Use the direction keys to select "U disk boot" on the right and press the Enter key to enter.

What is rEFIt-0.14.dmg, what is it used for, and how to use it?

No need, because refit is a tool you use when doing dual systems. If you want to select the system when booting, hold down command after booting and it will be ok.

Double-click to open rEFIt.dmg, open the mpkg installation package inside, and install it according to the steps. If it is macOS 11 and above, you must first turn off SIP system integrity protection.

Preparation work: Make the 4G USB disk into a system installation disk. This sounds awesome, but it’s actually not difficult to do. For macs that do not have virtual machines (such as Parallels Desktop or Virtualbox) installed.

If it is version 202, use the win-install.cmd file directly. Restart your computer when finished.

For an Apple MAC host, what key should I press to enter an interface like Windows BIOS, or can it be booted from a USB flash drive (normal keyboard)?

Hello, macbook does not have BIOS. The most basic thing to install the system with a USB flash drive is how to start the USB flash drive. Different computer models have different shortcuts to boot the USB flash drive. You can also set up the USB flash drive to boot through the Bios. item. Many people don't know how to enter the Bios settings for Apple laptops. In fact, Apple computers do not have Bios settings. You can just press the shortcut key when turning on the computer. Apple laptops do not have Bios settings. If you want to start with a USB flash drive, you usually insert the USB flash drive and press and hold the "optin key" when booting/restarting. You will enter a boot options interface. Use the direction keys to select "U disk boot" on the right and press the Enter key to enter. You can directly enter the U disk boot options interface and select the corresponding options according to your needs. Additional: Apple computers use EFI and do not have a BIOS. The only thing that can be set is the startup option. You can use the following startup key combinations on Intel-based Mac computers by holding down the C key when booting - booting from a bootable CD or DVD, such as the Mac OSX installation CD that comes with it. Hold down the D key during startup - if the installation DVD1 is inserted, it will start as AppleHardwareTest (AHT). Press and hold the Option-Command-P-R keys until you hear two beeps - Reset NVRAM Hold down the Option key when booting - Boot into Startup Manager, you can choose to boot from a MacOSX volume. Note: Hold down the N key to display the first bootable network volume. Hold down the Eject, F12 key, or hold down the mouse button (/trackpad) - eject all removable media, such as discs. Hold down the N key during startup - attempts to boot from a compatible network server (NetBoot). Hold down the T key during startup - Boot into FireWire target disk mode. Hold down the Shift key during startup - Boot into safe mode and temporarily turn off login items. Press and hold the Command-V key when booting - boot into Verbose mode. Press and hold the Command-S key during startup - startup into single-user mode. Hold down the Option-N key during startup - use the default boot image to boot from the NetBoot server.

How to choose macos utility tools?

When choosing a macOS utility, you must first consider your own needs and usage habits. Understand what tasks you often do, what features and tools you need, and then check the relevant reviews and experience. The more commonly used macOS utilities include Alfred (quick start and search tool), Spectacle (window management tool), iStat Menus (system monitoring tool), BetterTouchTool (custom touchpad and mouse gesture tool), etc. You can choose based on reviews, ease of use, and functional adaptability. At the same time, pay attention to choosing tools that are stable, frequently updated, and continuously maintained to ensure user experience and functional compatibility.

The tools that come with the mac system are in the utility menu, such as task manager, Bluetooth management, etc. You can choose the software to use according to the situation. The operating system comes with

How to make macOS Startup disk

1. Required tools: U disk of 8G or above. Download macosx system image from appstore. Normally used mac computer and mac system to make U disk system installation disk. The steps for making a U disk system installation disk are as follows. OSXLion downloaded from appstore will be placed at the bottom of the screen. in the Dock.

2. Required tools: U disk of 8G or above. Download the osx system image from appstore. Use a normal mac computer to make a maxosx boot U disk. The steps are as follows: The OSXLion just downloaded from the appstore will be placed in the Dock at the bottom of the screen. .

3. Click the arrow function on the software, select system macOS, USB dive: select your U disk. Click on the image on the software and click on the system dmg file you downloaded. Then click Continue to create a bootable USB flash drive. Once created, your USB flash drive will become the name of this system.

4. With macos. Click【↑】. Then the U disk will be started at this time. Note: The new Apple laptop MacBook AirPro is not equipped with an optical drive, and Apple laptops do not have BIOS settings. Before starting an Apple computer from a USB flash drive, you must first make the USB flash drive a bootable disk.

5. Prepare the macOSMontereyBeta full installer to install InstallAssistant.pkg, which will put the macOSMonterey installer into /Applications. Wipe your USB drive to prepare the installation disk. There are two methods, one is to drag in , one is to enter the code into the terminal.

This is the end of the introduction to the macos boot tool and macos boot disk. Have you found the information you need? If you want to know more about this, remember to bookmark and follow this site. That’s it for the introduction of macos boot tools. Thank you for taking the time to read the content of this site. Don’t forget to search this site for more information about macos boot disks and macos boot tools.


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