PHP 適配器模式解說與程式碼範例
適配器是一種結構型設計模式, 它能使不相容的對象能夠相互合作。
適配器可擔任兩個物件間的封裝器, 它會接收對於一個物件的調用, 並將其轉換為另一個物件可識別的格式和介面。
使用範例:適配器模式在PHP 程式碼中很常見。 基於一些遺留程式碼的系統常常會使用該模式。 在這種情況下, 適配器讓遺留程式碼與現代的類別得以相互合作。
識別方法:適配器可以透過以不同抽像或介面類型實例為參數的建構子來識別。 當適配器的任何方法被呼叫時, 它會將參數轉換為適當的格式, 然後將呼叫導向至其封裝物件中的一個或多個方法。
適配器允許你使用第三方或遺留系統的類, 即使它們與你的程式碼不相容。例如, 你可以建立一系列特殊的封裝器, 來讓應用程式所發出的呼叫與第三方類別所要求的介面與格式適配, 而無需重寫應用程式的通知介面以使其支援每個第三方服務(如釘釘、 微信、 簡訊或其他任何服務)。
index.php: 真實世界範例
adminEmail = $adminEmail; } public function send(string $title, string $message): void { mail($this->adminEmail, $title, $message); echo "Sent email with title '$title' to '{$this->adminEmail}' that says '$message'."; } } /** * The Adaptee is some useful class, incompatible with the Target interface. You * can't just go in and change the code of the class to follow the Target * interface, since the code might be provided by a 3rd-party library. */ class SlackApi { private $login; private $apiKey; public function __construct(string $login, string $apiKey) { $this->login = $login; $this->apiKey = $apiKey; } public function logIn(): void { // Send authentication request to Slack web service. echo "Logged in to a slack account '{$this->login}'.\n"; } public function sendMessage(string $chatId, string $message): void { // Send message post request to Slack web service. echo "Posted following message into the '$chatId' chat: '$message'.\n"; } } /** * The Adapter is a class that links the Target interface and the Adaptee class. * In this case, it allows the application to send notifications using Slack * API. */ class SlackNotification implements Notification { private $slack; private $chatId; public function __construct(SlackApi $slack, string $chatId) { $this->slack = $slack; $this->chatId = $chatId; } /** * An Adapter is not only capable of adapting interfaces, but it can also * convert incoming data to the format required by the Adaptee. */ public function send(string $title, string $message): void { $slackMessage = "#" . $title . "# " . strip_tags($message); $this->slack->logIn(); $this->slack->sendMessage($this->chatId, $slackMessage); } } /** * The client code can work with any class that follows the Target interface. */ function clientCode(Notification $notification) { // ... echo $notification->send("Website is down!", "Alert! " . "Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!"); // ... } echo "Client code is designed correctly and works with email notifications:\n"; $notification = new EmailNotification("developers@example.com"); clientCode($notification); echo "\n\n"; echo "The same client code can work with other classes via adapter:\n"; $slackApi = new SlackApi("example.com", "XXXXXXXX"); $notification = new SlackNotification($slackApi, "Example.com Developers"); clientCode($notification);
Output.txt: 執行結果
Client code is designed correctly and works with email notifications: Sent email with title 'Website is down!' to 'developers@example.com' that says 'Alert! Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!'. The same client code can work with other classes via adapter: Logged in to a slack account 'example.com'. Posted following message into the 'Example.com Developers' chat: '#Website is down!# Alert! Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!'.
了解模式的結構後, 你可以更輕鬆地理解以下基於真實世界的 PHP 應用案例。
adaptee = $adaptee; } public function request(): string { return "Adapter: (TRANSLATED) " . strrev($this->adaptee->specificRequest()); } } /** * The client code supports all classes that follow the Target interface. */ function clientCode(Target $target) { echo $target->request(); } echo "Client: I can work just fine with the Target objects:\n"; $target = new Target(); clientCode($target); echo "\n\n"; $adaptee = new Adaptee(); echo "Client: The Adaptee class has a weird interface. See, I don't understand it:\n"; echo "Adaptee: " . $adaptee->specificRequest(); echo "\n\n"; echo "Client: But I can work with it via the Adapter:\n"; $adapter = new Adapter($adaptee); clientCode($adapter);
Client: I can work just fine with the Target objects: Target: The default target's behavior. Client: The Adaptee class has a weird interface. See, I don't understand it: Adaptee: .eetpadA eht fo roivaheb laicepS Client: But I can work with it via the Adapter: Adapter: (TRANSLATED) Special behavior of the Adaptee.