讓我們可以安裝每個人最喜歡的 requests 函式庫。
pip install requests
現在,我們將看到一些用於下載單一 URL 並嘗試自動尋找圖像名稱以及如何使用重試的基本程式碼。
import requests res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) count = 1 while res.status_code != 200 and count <= 5: res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) print(f'Retry: {count} {img_url}') count += 1
import more required library import io from PIL import Image # lets try to find the image name image_name = str(img_url[(img_url.rfind('/')) + 1:]) if '?' in image_name: image_name = image_name[:image_name.find('?')]
假設我們要下載的URL 是:
instagram.fktm7-1.fna.fbcdn. net/vp...
好吧,這是一團糟。讓我們分解一下程式碼對 URL 的作用。我們首先使用 rfind
65872070_1200425330158967_6201268309743367902_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fktm7–1.fna.b02_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fktm7–1.fna.ccdn.netccat_nc_ht#cnc_cat_catc1.fna.ccdn.net ##?,然後只取它前面的任何東西。
這個結果非常好,適用於大多數用例。 現在我們已經下載了圖片名稱和映像,我們將保存它。
i = Image.open(io.BytesIO(res.content)) i.save(image_name)
def image_downloader(img_url: str): """ Input: param: img_url str (Image url) Tries to download the image url and use name provided in headers. Else it randomly picks a name """ print(f'Downloading: {img_url}') res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) count = 1 while res.status_code != 200 and count <= 5: res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) print(f'Retry: {count} {img_url}') count += 1 # checking the type for image if 'image' not in res.headers.get("content-type", ''): print('ERROR: URL doesnot appear to be an image') return False # Trying to red image name from response headers try: image_name = str(img_url[(img_url.rfind('/')) + 1:]) if '?' in image_name: image_name = image_name[:image_name.find('?')] except: image_name = str(random.randint(11111, 99999))+'.jpg' i = Image.open(io.BytesIO(res.content)) download_location = 'cats' i.save(download_location + '/'+image_name) return f'Download complete: {img_url}'
這很簡單。我們將簡單地定義我們的池並將我們的函數和圖像 URL 傳遞給它。
results = ThreadPool(process).imap_unordered(image_downloader, images_url) for r in results: print(r)
def run_downloader(process:int, images_url:list): """ Inputs: process: (int) number of process to run images_url:(list) list of images url """ print(f'MESSAGE: Running {process} process') results = ThreadPool(process).imap_unordered(image_downloader, images_url) for r in results: print(r)
再一次,你可能會說,「這一切都很好,但我想立即開始下載我的1000 張圖像清單。我不想複製和貼上所有這些程式碼並試圖弄清楚如何合併所有內容。」
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import io import random import shutil import sys from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import pathlib import requests from PIL import Image import time start = time.time() def get_download_location(): try: url_input = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print('ERROR: Please provide the txt file\n$python image_downloader.py cats.txt') name = url_input.split('.')[0] pathlib.Path(name).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return name def get_urls(): """ 通过读取终端中作为参数提供的 txt 文件返回 url 列表 """ try: url_input = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print('ERROR: Please provide the txt file\n Example \n\n$python image_downloader.py dogs.txt \n\n') sys.exit() with open(url_input, 'r') as f: images_url = f.read().splitlines() print('{} Images detected'.format(len(images_url))) return images_url def image_downloader(img_url: str): """ 输入选项: 参数: img_url str (Image url) 尝试下载图像 url 并使用标题中提供的名称。否则它会随机选择一个名字 """ print(f'Downloading: {img_url}') res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) count = 1 while res.status_code != 200 and count <= 5: res = requests.get(img_url, stream=True) print(f'Retry: {count} {img_url}') count += 1 # checking the type for image if 'image' not in res.headers.get("content-type", ''): print('ERROR: URL doesnot appear to be an image') return False # Trying to red image name from response headers try: image_name = str(img_url[(img_url.rfind('/')) + 1:]) if '?' in image_name: image_name = image_name[:image_name.find('?')] except: image_name = str(random.randint(11111, 99999))+'.jpg' i = Image.open(io.BytesIO(res.content)) download_location = get_download_location() i.save(download_location + '/'+image_name) return f'Download complete: {img_url}' def run_downloader(process:int, images_url:list): """ 输入项: process: (int) number of process to run images_url:(list) list of images url """ print(f'MESSAGE: Running {process} process') results = ThreadPool(process).imap_unordered(image_downloader, images_url) for r in results: print(r) try: num_process = int(sys.argv[2]) except: num_process = 10 images_url = get_urls() run_downloader(num_process, images_url) end = time.time() print('Time taken to download {}'.format(len(get_urls()))) print(end - start)
python3 image_downloader.py cats.txt
python3 image_downloader.py <filename_with_urls_seperated_by_newline.txt> <num_of_process>
是可選的(預設情況下,它使用 10 個進程)。
】 以上是怎麼使用Python進行多執行緒並發下載圖片的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!python3 image_downloader.py cats.txt