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Node.js 版本管理器終極指南:NVM、NVS、fnm、Volta 和 asdf |第 1 部分

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嘿!如果您曾經使用 Node.js 進行過開發,您就會明白,對於專案來說,經常需要使用不同的版本。也許一個專案可以在版本 10 上運行,另一個專案可以在版本 14 上運行,而一個新專案需要最新版本,例如 20。隨著每個新版本的新功能的出現,一系列新的挑戰也隨之出現。這些是與庫和框架的兼容性、新功能的測試以及現有項目的穩定性。

當我同時處理多個專案時,我自己也遇到過這個問題。當每個專案都需要其版本時,看似非常簡單的任務(安裝 Node.js)變得混亂。在本文中,我將告訴您如何使用 NVM、NVS、fnm、Volta 和 asdf 等 Node.js 版本管理工具解決這個問題。我將描述它們的工作原理,列出優點和缺點,並為您提供我的個人經驗,以幫助您選擇最適合您需求的節點版本管理器。



Node.js 本身正在快速發展,其工俱生態系統也在快速發展。新的函式庫、框架和版本在使用不同的 Node.js 版本時需要很大的靈活性。某些視圖框架可能僅與特定的 Node.js LTS 版本相容,並且必須根據正在開發的專案切換到該版本。在不同的 Node.js 版本之間切換將有助於避免相容性問題並保持程式碼順利運行。

考慮一下您正在處理一些舊項目,該項目取決於庫的特定版本。您同時根據最新版本的 Node.js 運行一些新項目,因為它使用僅在最新版本中可用的功能。新版本的 Node.js 可能包含與這些庫版本不相容的功能,這將導致應用程式效能錯誤或不穩定。

有一天,我陷入了這樣的困境,我需要手動安裝不同版本的 Node.js,使用它,然後重新安裝另一個版本,依此類推。相信我,那是一場惡夢。然後,我突然意識到,如果沒有節點版本管理器實用工具,我將無法做任何事情。


軟體開發就是不斷測試、實作新功能。 Node.js 的每個新版本都會向開發人員提供更多語言和平台功能,例如增強的非同步程式支援、模組系統的改進以及新的 API。然後,這些功能將在實際專案中進行測試,以確定它們的有效性以及是否將它們實現到主應用程式中。

但如果你目前的專案在舊版的 Node.js 下運作穩定,而升級 Node.js 後可能會出現問題怎麼辦?

這通常意味著檢查 master 分支中的新功能,或使用新 Node.js 版本的專案副本。幸運的是,版本管理工具允許我在不同版本之間切換,並且主分支不會出現故障。


穩定性和安全性是任何專案的主要因素。在舊版的 Node.js 中,可能會存在一些錯誤,這些錯誤會在新版本中修復。如果應用程式依賴支援新平台版本升級的舊程式庫,那麼升級到最新版本是相當危險的。

版本控制 Node.js 可讓您安全地升級平台版本,同時保留出現問題時回滾的可能性,從而幫助開發人員保持應用程式穩定且免受漏洞影響。

管理 Node.js 版本的方法

The Ultimate Guide to Node.js Version Managers: NVM, NVS, fnm, Volta, and asdf | Part 1


如果您是 Node.js 的新手,您可能已經從其官方網站下載並安裝了它。當您只需要一個版本的 Node.js 時,這是最直接的方法。您下載安裝程序,按照說明操作,瞧 — Node.js 就在您的電腦上。

但是想像一下,您正在處理多個項目,並且所有這些項目都需要某些特定版本的 Node.js。例如,您在 Node.js 10 上有一些舊項目,在 Node.js 20 上有一些新項目。不斷地重新安裝 Node.js 太耗時且不方便。

Node.js Version Management Tools

There are plenty of tools for managing Node.js versions. In this article, I’m going to discuss five popular options: NVM (Node Version Manager), NVS (Node Version Switcher), fnm, or Fast Node Manager, Volta, and asdf. All of these come with their ways and features to manage the versions, which might be applicable for various tasks and teams.

Those version managers will automate the management process, manage the consistency of the versions, and avoid compatibility issues, helping you choose the right tool for your needs.

Integration with CI/CD Tools

The Ultimate Guide to Node.js Version Managers: NVM, NVS, fnm, Volta, and asdf | Part 1

When you start working in a team, version management becomes way more important. Each developer might own their version of Node.js, which may get very problematic at different development and deployment stages as different bugs could arise. In large projects and teams where automation plays a huge role, such Node.js version management tools can be integrated into the CI/CD processes.

Tools like NVM can be integrated into CI/CD processes, allowing each build to use the required version of Node.js without manual intervention, ensuring that every team member uses the correct Node.js version for their tasks. This helps maintain stability and consistency across different environments, such as development environment, testing, and production.

Overview of Node.js Version Management Tools

Now, the different tools managing different Node.js versions have their pros and cons, and I’ll try to explain what situation each tool fits best.

NVM (Node Version Manager)

NVM is short for Node Version Manager. It is one of the oldest and still very popular managers of Node.js versions. NVM was created by Tim Caswell in 2010 and is still actively maintained.

The Ultimate Guide to Node.js Version Managers: NVM, NVS, fnm, Volta, and asdf | Part 1

NVM downloads each Node.js version into its own, self-contained directory at ~/.nvm/versions/node/. When you’re switching between versions by using nvm use, it updates your $PATH environment variable to point to the appropriate directory.

How to Install and Use

Installation on macOS and Linux:

To install NVM on macOS and Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal and enter the following:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash


wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

This will download and run the install script for NVM from the official NVM GitHub repository, and the NVM will be installed on your system. Once it has been installed you can verify that NVM has been installed using the command:
nvm — version

If everything went smoothly, you should see the NVM version.

Installation for Windows:

  1. Download the nvm-windows installer from its GitHub repository.
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions, making sure to choose the correct installation path.

During the installation process, it will automatically set up NVM configurations in your profile. If you are using zsh, that would be ~/.zshrc; or if you’re using bash, that would be ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, or some other profile.

If that does not happen automatically, add the NVM configuration to the profile file yourself:

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"

Using NVM:

  • List available Node.js versions: nvm ls-remote
  • Install the latest Node.js version: nvm install node
  • Install a specific version: nvm install 14.17.0 or nvm install 14
  • Switch between versions: nvm use 14.17.0 or nvm use 14
  • Set default version: nvm alias default 18
  • View installed versions: nvm ls
  • Version from .nvmrc: If your project directory contains a .nvmrc file specifying the Node.js version required—e.g., 16.13.0 or 20—you can automatically switch to that version with nvm use.

Advantages of NVM:

  • Installation and Usage: Done within a few minutes, and thereafter, it's quite easy to handle various Node.js versions.
  • Flexibility: It allows one to run or install many Node.js versions on one device without conflicts.
  • Compatibility: NVM works on most Unix-like systems and runs on macOS or Linux. For Windows, there's a port called nvm-windows.
  • Support for .nvmrc files: This file allows you to automatically switch to the desired Node.js version when entering a project directory.
  • Community and documentation: A substantial user base with good documentation makes NVM a trustworthy choice.

Disadvantages of NVM:

  • Performance: Sometimes, NVM can be slower than other tools, especially when frequently switching between versions.
  • Manual management: For some developers, manually switching versions may seem inconvenient, especially if automation is required.
  • Inconvenience on Windows: If you are working on Windows, using NVM through WSL can be inconvenient.

以上是Node.js 版本管理器終極指南:NVM、NVS、fnm、Volta 和 asdf |第 1 部分的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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