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華為Mate 60系列降價:再香一整年

發布: 2024-08-16 07:05:33
611 人瀏覽過

提及華為Mate 60系列,相信大家都不陌生,其作為高端旗艦市場的佼佼者,自發布起就憑藉超可靠的機身、強大的影像系統、創新亮眼的外觀設計等,受到干萬消費者喜愛,甚至一度出現「一機難求」的盛況,堪稱年度現象級熱銷產品。

近期,華為官方開啟了華為Mate 60系列秋日禮遇活動,現在入手僅需4999元起。近年來,在中國智慧型手機日益崛起的大背景下,iPhone 15多次調價促銷。

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年

反觀華為Mate 60系列將近開售一年,仍然廣受歡迎,直到最近才庫存正常敞開售賣。適逢華為秋日禮遇活動,對於先前一直持有觀望狀態的小夥伴們來說,現在就是入手華為Mate 60系列的最佳時機。

華為Mate系列總是以精緻優雅的獨特美學設計引領當下旗艦美學新潮流。華為 Mate60 系列延續了Mate系列的中軸對稱設計,採用突破性「同心」設計,帶來極致的美學體驗。

華為Mate60 Pro+後蓋上半部為素皮材質,後蓋下半部為金屬材質,極具層次感的同時又不失對稱和諧之美,機身背部靠下的位置則以“丹青弧”優雅分割,就如同宣紙上的一道墨痕,蒼勁有力、韻味十足。

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年

配色上,以傳統文化中的宣紙和水墨為靈感,帶來宣白和硯黑,給人一種時尚典雅的高端感。對比iPhone的設計語言“萬年不變”,極具辨識度的華為Mate 60系列,真的很難不叫人心動。

顏值提升的同時,可靠性也再進階。華為Mate 60系列使用了第二代崑崙玻璃、玄武機身和錦纖材質等大量的新材質和新設計,構成了超可靠玄武架構。

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年


此外,華為Mate 60全系標配IP68級防塵防水。得益於超可靠玄武架構的加持,華為Mate 60系列在面對高度跌落,砸核桃、錘釘子、洗手機等考驗之後,依然能全身而退,面對日常的小磕小碰完全不在話下。

卓越的影像能力,也是華為Mate 60系列的一大殺器。華為Mate60系列搭載全焦段超清影像,擁有超光變主攝、全球獨創十檔物理光圈、超微距長焦攝像頭,能輕鬆應對肖像、低光、強光等場景的拍攝需求。

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年


鏡頭調至1~3.5X焦距,華為Mate 60系列超大光圈主攝配合全新升級的人像演算法,即便是多人合影,每一張臉龐都能做到清晰又自然。

華為Mate 60系列搭載的超微距長焦鏡頭,不僅能實現最高100X長焦拍攝,而且還能帶來最高35X微距變焦拍攝,遠能捕捉到月亮,近能捕捉微觀事物。


另外,華為Mate60系列升級到HarmonyOS 4.2後,照片成型色彩呈現更準確、更真實,即便拍攝遠處的雨彩虹也能被清晰還原。

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年

隨著日益增長的多樣化需求,用戶對手機系統的功能豐富程度和可玩性,都提出了更高的要求。華為Mate 60系列支援升級HarmonyOS 4.2,擁有流暢、絲滑的操控體驗,並帶來隨動表情、AI隔空操控、智感支付等智慧互動功能。

Huawei Mate 60 series brings a new "following emoticon", which can easily interact with emoticons on the lock screen, making the phone more smart and interesting. When you are concentrating on putting on makeup or busy in the kitchen, and it is inconvenient to touch your phone with your hands, you can simply wave your hand at the Huawei Mate 60 series to complete operations such as making and receiving calls, listening to music, turning pages, or taking screenshots, all with AI distance control The control also supports continuous sliding control function. Browse the web more efficiently.

At a time when electronic payment has become the first choice, users do not need to open the payment code. They only need to unlock the Huawei Mate 60 series in the desktop state and align the upper part of the phone screen with the scanning box to achieve quick payment, which is convenient and practical.

Huawei Mate 60 series also has comprehensive anti-fraud protection functions, which can effectively intercept fraudulent calls, malicious applications, fake base stations and malicious website links, so you no longer have to worry about being harassed by unknown calls.

Huawei Mate 60 series not only achieves the goal of "no one has it, I have it". Although Apple mobile phones have NFC functions, there are too many restrictions. They can only be used for payment and some transportation cards. Huawei Mate 60 series can not only bind access cards, It also supports office building elevator cards and bus cards. The convenience of "traveling around the world with one machine" is really cool.

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年

As a unique player in communication technology, Huawei has made another breakthrough in the field of satellite communications. Huawei Mate 60 Pro is the world's first mass smartphone to support satellite calls. Even in an environment without terrestrial network, it can still make calls, send and receive text messages, and get in touch with the outside world.

Huawei Mate 60 Pro+ even supports dual satellite communications, namely Tiantong satellite calls + two-way Beidou satellite messages. At the same time, the Huawei Mate 60 series supports Lingxi communications, and thanks to the powerful combination of Lingxi antennas and Lingxi AI algorithms, it can have a smooth communication experience anytime and anywhere, and can stream videos unimpeded on the subway.

The battery life and charging speed of the mobile phone also obviously affect the experience. It has become the norm for fruit fans to look for a power bank when going out. Huawei Mate 60 Pro has a built-in 5000mAh capacity battery that supports 88W super fast charging, 50W wireless super fast charging, and 20W wireless reverse charging. With Huawei’s exclusive intelligent power-saving technology, it can easily cope with the needs of a day’s work and life, letting you say goodbye to battery anxiety. .

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年

All in all, both Huawei Mate 60 series and iPhone 15 series are highly popular flagship phones.

The avant-garde appearance design, ultra-tough Xuanwu body, ultra-long battery life, excellent imaging capabilities, dual satellite communication functions, stable network experience, and the smooth, easy-to-use and highly playable HarmonyOS 4 system are all Huawei Mate The advantages of the 60 series.

And now the Huawei Mate 60 series has ushered in the autumn promotion. You can buy it now for as low as 4,999 yuan. Friends who have been interested for a long time must not miss this opportunity.

华为Mate 60系列降价:再香一整年

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