困擾著許多電腦使用者的棘手問題——電腦無法關機——令無數人感到沮喪。無法關閉電腦不僅會浪費時間,還會帶來潛在的系統問題。 php小編新一今天將深入探討這個問題,揭示導致此問題的原因並提供有效的解決方案。請繼續往下閱讀,找出修復電腦無法關機問題的關鍵步驟,並恢復系統正常運作。
surface的通病,不管哪個系列都出現過這種問題。首先你長按電源鍵30s,通常會自動重新啟動;若無效,建議等待一段時間後再嘗試長按電源鍵。我的go, pro7,book2遇到這些問題都可以透過以上操作解決,希望能幫到你。
1、 如果將所有執行的程序都關閉了,但是還是無法關機的話,那麼請檢查是否有安裝安全衛士360或訊盤等三方軟體, 如果有的話,請關閉進行測試是否可以正常關機。
3、如果經過以上2個步驟排查後,依然無法關機的話,那麼按F8進入安全模式, 如果在安全模式下問題沒有解決,則採用下面步驟排查由第三方軟體所引起的故障。
4、如果經過以上3個步驟排查後,依然無法關機的話: (1)在鍵盤上,同時按「win+R」鍵,調出「運行」輸入「gpedit.msc」指令按回車, (2)開啟群組原則,在開啟的群組原則中依序開啟電腦設定-管理範本-系統-疑難排解與診斷-Windows關機效能診斷中找“設定方案執行等級”, (3)雙擊,設定中選“已啟用”,配置方案執行等級選“檢測,故障排除和解決,確定完成。
1.長按電源鍵強制關機,然後重新開機後觀察是否可以正常關機。關機。八、電腦不能關機提示正在執行腳本檔案? 如果你在故障發生時使用的是啟用「進階電源支援」就取消它、反之就啟用它。
2、USB設備也能造成關機故障。當出現關機變成重開機時,檢查USB設備,將其拔掉,再試試。如果真是USB設備的問題,那麼最好是廢掉它,或者是連接一個外置USB Hub,將USB設備接到USB Hub上,而不要直接連接到主機板的USB接口上。
3、檢查「APM/NT Legacy Node」是否已開啟。 APM/NT Legacy Node沒有開啟可能造成關機卻不能自動切斷電源。進入裝置管理員,點選“檢視→顯示隱藏的裝置”,顯示出系統中所有的隱藏裝置。在設備列錶框中查看有無APM/NT Legacy Node選項。如果你的電腦支援此功能就會有該選項,雙擊後在彈出的屬性對話框中點選「啟用裝置」按鈕即可。
關機重啟故障、 此故障是Windows XP作業系統關機故障中最容易出現的故障。造成此故障的原因可能有以下幾個原因:
1)系統設定在添亂Windows XP預設情況下,當系統出現錯誤時會自動重新啟動,這樣當使用者關機時,如果關機過程中系統出現錯誤就會重新啟動計算機。關閉該功能往往可以解決自動重新啟動的故障。在桌面上右鍵點擊“的電腦”,在彈出的右鍵選單中選擇“屬性”,彈出“系統屬性”窗口,點選“高級”選項卡,點擊“啟動和故障恢復”欄中的“設定”按鈕,彈出“啟動和故障恢復”視窗。在「系統失敗」欄位中將「自動重新啟動」選項前的對勾去掉,點選「確定」按鈕。
2)高階電源管理在搗鬼 眾所周知,關機是與電源管理密切相關的,造成關機故障的原因很有可能是電源管理對系統支援不好造成的。 點擊“開始→設定→控制面板→性能與維護→電源選項”,在彈出的視窗中,根據需要啟用或取消“高級電源支援”即可。如果在故障發生時使用的是啟用“高級電源支援”,就試著取消它,如果在故障發生時,使用的是取消“高級電源支援”就試著啟用它,故障往往會迎刃而解。
3)USB設備不省心 現在是USB設備大行其道之時,什麼U盤、滑鼠、鍵盤、Modem等等,應有盡有。殊不知這些USB設備往往是造成關機故障的罪魁禍首。當出現關機變成重啟故障時,如果的電腦上接有USB設備,請先將其拔掉,再試試,如果確信是USB設備的故障,那麼最好是換掉該設備,或者是連接一個外置USB Hub,將USB設備接到USB Hub上,而不要直接連接到主機板的USB介面。
Laxative. 1. Shutdown mode This is the most traditional shutdown method. When the operating system performs the shutdown operation, it will exit all programs, shut down the system background service, stop all hardware operations, and then turn off the power. The computer will be completely shut down. Then restart the computer next time. , the operating system will re-read the system files. Suitable scenarios: If you do not use the computer for a long time, you can choose to shut it down (environmentally friendly and energy-saving). It should be noted that the shutdown operation of computers below Win7 and pressing the power button (when connected to the power supply) are both hard shutdowns (the characteristic is that it does not save any information or data and shuts down directly). After Win8 and now Win10, the so-called shutdown option is not the simplest and purest shutdown, but the quick startup mode. 2. Hibernation mode. In hibernation mode, all data in the memory will be stored in a specific space on the hard disk. Generally, it is a file called hiberfil.sys under the C drive. In this way, as long as you press the power button again, The memory data temporarily stored in the hard disk will be restored to the memory, and the previous normal work progress can be restored. In this mode, because no power supply is needed, there is no need to worry about power supply abnormalities after hibernation. However, the speed of the computer returning from hibernation to normal state is slow, and the specific time depends on the memory size and hard disk speed. Suitable scenarios: When using the computer when going out, you need to save battery consumption, but also want to be able to continue the previous execution and quickly start it anytime and anywhere. 3. Sleep mode When sleep mode is selected, the system will save the data being processed to the memory, and all devices except the memory will stop powering. The next time you start, you can quickly read information from the memory and restore to the previous state. But if the memory is also powered off, the data will be lost! This means that if the previous work is not saved, it will be all in vain. Suitable for scenarios: In sleep mode, just shake the mouse or tap the keyboard to quickly return to work. Therefore, it is suitable for leaving the computer for a short period of time and being able to use the computer at any time after coming back. 4. Quick start mode. Quick start mode is a new mode launched by Microsoft starting from Win8. It combines the characteristics of hibernation and sleep. It is similar to hibernation when "shut down", but only writes the core data that maintains the operating system. to the hard disk for temporary storage. When "powering on", it is just like waking up in "sleep" mode, skipping the process of system loading and driver loading. The final effect is that it looks no different from ordinary powering on and off, but the speed is much faster. Suitable scenarios: For notebooks using solid-state drives, you can set it to enter sleep mode when the lid is closed, so you don’t have to wait for the computer to shut down when commuting to get off work. If you need to turn it on again, you only need to press the power button, which is very convenient; at the same time, because it is a solid-state drive, you don’t have to worry about data loss or damage caused by vibration on the road. How to turn on the sleep function? Under Win10 system, most computers turn on the sleep function by default, otherwise the "quick startup" function will not work. How to turn on the hibernation function? Laptop computer: right-click the battery icon in the lower right corner, click "Power Options", and then click "Choose what the power button does" on the left side. Desktop computer: Open the start menu, find "Control Panel" and open it and click " Hardware and Sound" - "Power Options" - "Choose what the power button does" click "Change settings that are currently unavailable" at the top, check "Hibernate" under "Shutdown Settings" below, and then click the Shutdown button in the Start menu. You will see the "Sleep" and "Hibernation" buttons at the same time! Simply put, hibernation = saving tasks and data to the hard disk (virtual memory), and you can disconnect the power supply; sleep = saving the tasks and data running on the computer to the memory , it will consume a small amount of power and cannot be powered off; the difference between hibernation and sleep is that the hard disk indicator light has not been turned off, and sleep can wake up the system at any time (while hibernation cannot wake up the system).