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全能折疊螢幕旗艦華為Mate X5開啟夏日禮遇:最佳入手時機來了

發布: 2024-07-10 18:10:23
521 人瀏覽過


作為華為折疊屏技術的集大成者以及折疊屏市場當仁不讓的旗艦產品,華為Mate X5自上市以來一直熱度不減,成為不少人購買折疊屏的首選,憑藉超輕薄四曲折疊機身、可靠性、強大的通訊能力和影像實力等全能優勢,在日益激烈的競爭中穩坐龍頭。

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

華為Mate X5之所以能夠如此受市場追捧,引領國產折疊屏手機的搶購浪潮,除了華為技術突破帶來的高光加成外,關鍵還是其在可靠性、通信能力、智慧體驗等方面有著突出的表現。


全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

首先在外觀設ID方面,華為Mate X5 的美學設計上獨樹一格。不少人購買折疊螢幕手機,除了對大螢幕的需求外,還希望手機的設計能彰顯自己不同的品味,展現高端風範。

華為Mate X5採用四曲折疊機身設計,均衡柔和,握持手感服帖溫潤。其機身以「方圓同心」設計為核心,不僅彰顯出嚴謹的秩序感,更透過這設計語言傳遞出華為品牌對自信、科技與高端時尚的堅定追求。

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

在此基礎上,疊加了創新的「寰宇星門」與「方圓同心」設計元素,呈現出一種既方圓有度又相容並蓄的獨特氣質。兩款素皮材質外,華為Mate X5還有羽砂玻璃材質的羽砂金、羽砂黑和羽砂白三種配色可選,全面滿足不同使用者的個人需求。

從以往購買Mate系列手機的用戶來看,他們往往更加看重的是自己對品牌的認同感,這種認同感來自Mate系列獨一無二的高級氣質,而華為Mate X5則將這種認同感發揮到了極致。

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

其次是安全感滿滿的可靠性。華為是第一個把折疊螢幕可靠性做到了極致的品牌,在輕薄之上,給足了用戶安全感。華為Mate X5典藏版搭載的全新玄武鋼化崑崙玻璃外屏,抗刮擦能力提升300%,耐摔能力提高100%。

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

抗衝擊柔性內屏,採用複合疊層結構設計,疊層中採用業界獨有的抗衝擊非牛頓流體材料,帶來「遇強則強、遇弱則弱」的抗衝擊效果。不管是日常出遊還是外出遊玩,即使手機和鑰匙等尖銳物品放在一起也不用擔心對螢幕造成刮痕,戶外旅行也不用擔心手機跌落地面。華為Mate X5是折疊屏手機中少有的支援IPX8級抗水的手機,足以應對日常生活中的下雨、潑濺等複雜場景,而且即使日常杯子潑濺,泳池落水等等情況也完全不用擔心,全新濕手觸控功能則拓展了日常生活中更多需要濕手操作的使用場景,讓折疊螢幕使用日常化再進一步。

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

第三在於華為Mate X5超強的通訊能力。華為在通訊產業有深厚的技術積累,華為手機也向來以訊號能力著稱,華為Mate X5採用了靈犀通訊技術方案,透過靈犀天線、靈犀AI演算法和靈犀網絡,充分挖掘通訊訊號的潛能,在弱訊號場景下,使通訊能力全面提升。


In order to cope with the situation of no signal in the wild, Huawei Mate X5 also supports two-way Beidou satellite messaging, giving users the ultimate security guarantee in environments without terrestrial network signal coverage such as desert no-man’s land, going to sea, and earthquake rescue. For those who like adventure and hiking, even if they are in a deserted neighborhood or sailing on a boat at sea, the two-way Beidou satellite message can keep in touch with family and friends in a timely manner to ensure safety.

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

It is worth mentioning that Huawei Mate X5 also brings many smart experiences based on the HarmonyOS system. For example, Huawei's Mate In office scenarios, Huawei Mate X5 supports smart split-screen, file transfer station, cross-screen drag and drop, multi-screen collaboration and other functions, which can greatly improve office efficiency.

For a long time, new folding screen mobile phones have appeared on the market one after another. However, the advantages in reliability, communication, and smart experience make Huawei Mate X5 still firmly seated as the king of folding screen mobile phones. Why do high-end users recognize Huawei Mate X5 so much? In the author’s opinion, the key to the success of Huawei Mate It is a series of "black technologies" that I have that no one has and that I have the best that others have, that create the all-round strength of Huawei Mate X5. Excellent market sales and user recognition naturally come naturally.

全能折叠屏旗舰华为Mate X5开启夏日礼遇:最佳入手时机来了

With the arrival of summer, in order to allow more consumers to enjoy the leading experience of its all-around folding screen, Huawei Mate X5 has launched a limited-time summer promotion, with a discount of 1,500 yuan for designated configuration versions. The details are as follows:

First: Mate Buy early and enjoy early!

Second: Purchase before July 31, and you can also enjoy interest-free discounts for up to 12 installments!

Third: Users who purchase a new HUAWEI Mate X5 before July 31st can go to the Huawei Authorized Service Center during the event. After passing the machine inspection, they will receive HUAWEI Care+ (one-year) rights worth 999 yuan!

Friends who plan to buy a folding screen mobile phone in the near future may wish to go to Huawei's official mall and Huawei offline authorized stores to experience it for themselves and learn more about the discount details.

以上是全能折疊螢幕旗艦華為Mate X5開啟夏日禮遇:最佳入手時機來了的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
