Commonly used website function introduction modules
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The essence of a module is a .py file. In the lib folder in the installation directory, you can see that the module is divided into three parts: built-in modules (existing in the interpreter), third-party modules (under the lib folder), and custom modules (Self-defined) 1. The time module import time# returns the timestamp of the current time print(time.time())#1498027773.1063557# takes the timestamp as a parameter and returns a structured time tuple. The parameter defaults to the current time print( time.lo
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The method to use the Bootstrap official website template is as follows: visit the Bootstrap official website, select and download the template. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file. Create an HTML file that links the Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files. Copy the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code from the template file and paste it into the HTML file you create. Save the HTML file and run the template.
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