Newly added controls to the page are inexplicably deleted.
var query_box = $(" From[jQuerydiscussion group]2023-03-30 15:50:46 0 1 584 From[jQuerydiscussion group]2023-03-29 18:20:32 0 0 526 Using jq to call Ajax will show what happens when Ajax is not a method $.ajax({ type:"get", url:"js/data.txt", success: function(data) { console.log(dat... From[jQuerydiscussion group]2023-03-24 18:16:34 0 1 475 $("content").slideDown('slow',function(even){}Why is even From[jQuerydiscussion group]2022-02-14 09:28:58 0 4 1626 jquery form submission problem index.html的代码:, but it has n... From[jQuerydiscussion group]2020-01-30 13:01:44 0 2 1442 echo is an object that iterates through all elements echo is an object that iterates through all elements From[jQuerydiscussion group]2019-12-25 20:55:42 0 1 1325 How to download the courseware? From[jQuerydiscussion group]2019-12-24 16:13:14 0 1 1431