AppendBookApp.controller('MainController', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.image = {};
$rootScope.image.exists = true;
$rootScope.image.src = '';
$rootScope.uploader = WebUploader.create({
server: '/upload/test',
swf: '/libs/WebUploader/Uploader.swf',
chunked: true,
disableGlobalDnd: true,
dnd: document.body,
paste: document.body,
pick: {
id: '#UploadImageButton',
label: '点击选择图片'
accept: {
title: 'Images',
extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png',
mimeTypes: 'image/*'
compress: false,
auto: true
// setTimeout(function() {
// $rootScope.image.src = '';
// console.log($rootScope.image.src);
// }, 2000);
// $rootScope.image.src = '/uploadfile/2c12c2170d0a2eaee8c061060f9f91f1.png';
$rootScope.uploader.onUploadSuccess = function(file, res) {
$rootScope.image.src = res._raw;
$rootScope.image.exists = true;
$('.webuploader-pick').removeClass('webuploader-pick').addClass('btn btn-primary');
Why does the interface not respond when I modify the scope in the callback function of successful upload?
In fact, the data has been modified successfully. The interface is unresponsive because the digest is not triggered. Just change the code to the following