我的本地SVN中有一个目录是需要和本地的一个目录保持一致的。 我该如何实现?
有尝试过svn:externals,但貌似不支持关联本地的目录? 尝试过使用软链接,但不能add目录下的文件 要硬链接一个目录,貌似不是一个好方法
大神,指条明路 : )
Not in the local directory of the code repository, but dependent on the code repository - this in itself is problematic. If you do not consider the advanced requirements of continuous integration, it can be achieved through svn hook.
Not in the local directory of the code repository, but dependent on the code repository - this in itself is problematic. If you do not consider the advanced requirements of continuous integration, it can be achieved through svn hook.