git pull的时候能不能指定文件或者忽略project文件呢?
Summarized the .gitignore of several XCode projects on github. The current .gitignore of our current project is as follows:
# files created by Xcode 3 or older *.pbxuser *.mode1 *.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 *.xcclassmodel/ # files created by Xcode 4 xcuserdata/ # build products *.build/ build/ DerivedData/ # Misc .svn .DS_Store
.gitignore can be specified to ignore
Add a collection of gitgnore on github.
Some files can not be added to the git project.
Summarized the .gitignore of several XCode projects on github. The current .gitignore of our current project is as follows:
.gitignore can be specified to ignore
Add a collection of gitgnore on github.
Some files can not be added to the git project.