android adb命令有没有 full sweep的命令啊,对于某个进程有kill -9 可以,现在有个比较笨的方法ps遍历包名然后逐个kill,好麻烦啊,有没有直接的命令啊
The questioner asked two identical questions. The previous question you asked was "How does adb perform global GC?". Let me check with your full sweep想达到的目的是相同的吧。adb没有这样的命令。然后,我想这样的问题可以终结一下,adb所有的命令可以通过adb或adb helpcommand this time.
full sweep
adb help
The questioner asked two identical questions. The previous question you asked was "How does adb perform global GC?". Let me check with your
full sweep
或adb help
command this time.