今天给一个IOS APP加 paypal 支付。paypal支付相对阿里云的支付宝,比较简单,不需要签名等。。
但问题时,加到app中后,在支付成功后,他会通过app 发送数据给服务端,难道就依靠这个数据去修改服务端的订单状态吗?我看他也没有设置回调的地方。。。。安全性和稳定性怎么来保证呢?
- (void)sendCompletedPaymentToServer:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment { // TODO: Send completedPayment.confirmation to server NSLog(@"Here is your proof of payment:\n\n%@\n\nSend this to your server for confirmation and fulfillment.", completedPayment.confirmation); }
The server will get the ID in the returned string to verify the result
You need to configure the callback url in the merchant center. When the payment is successful, Paypal will automatically send the payment result to this url through an IPN request. Here you can do operations such as modifying the order status.