########## File related
class UploadLinkView(APIView):
def get(self, request, repo_id, format=None):
if check_permission(repo_id, request.user.username) != 'rw':
return api_error(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, "Can not access repo")
if check_quota(repo_id) < 0:
return api_error(HTTP_520_OPERATION_FAILED, 'Above quota')
token = seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token(
repo_id, 'dummy', 'upload', request.user.username)
url = gen_file_upload_url(token, 'upload-api')
return Response(url)
Although I don’t understand Python, Qt/C++ and pyQt support the Internet.
Add the .pro file of the Qt project:
QT += network
If you use C++, add the .h file:
See Qt Network 5.7 in detail
QT has its own network library, and QT5 has
that you can use. The official documentation for this kind of thing is very clear. .