就好像iPhone的 Safari浏览器 里面的bookmarks按钮,点进去后,点击tableViewcell,segment不会跟着push,求一些思路!][2]
This is because it puts the Segment into the NavigationBar
The view is placed on the keywindow
The problem has been solved. Thank you for the advice upstairs. It is indeed possible to use keyWindow to prevent push from happening
UISegmentedControl * segment = [[UISegmentedControl alloc]initWithItems:@[@"♞",@"♟",@"♚"]]; segment.frame = CGRectMake(10, 60, SCREEN_WIDTH-20, 30); [[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow addSubview:segment];
I found out later that it can also be achieved by placing it on the NavigationBarAdd subviews in the custom UIViewController
[self addChildViewController:self.bookmarkVC];
This is because it puts the Segment into the NavigationBar
The view is placed on the keywindow
The problem has been solved. Thank you for the advice upstairs. It is indeed possible to use keyWindow to prevent push from happening
I found out later that it can also be achieved by placing it on the NavigationBar
Add subviews in the custom UIViewController