<bean id="systemUserService" class="com.alan.SystemUserServiceImpl">
<if ***>
<property name="exm1" ref="exm1"></property>
<else if ***>
<property name="exm2" ref="exm2"></property>
</else if>
<property name="exm3" ref="exm3"></property>
3、在serviceImpl类中,对此进行判断 ,来决定实例化哪个对象.
ISystemData sd;
String dubboOrSql = ConstantsConfig.getDubboOrSql();
sd = app.getBean("exap1");
}else if("0".equals(dubboOrSql)){
sd = app.getBean("exap2");
It can be solved by using property configuration files
1. Add a property file, such as config.propertiest, and define the key-value pair dao.prefix=.
2. Configure this property file in the spring configuration file.
3. You can use attributes file variables in <bean>, such as ${dao.prefix}
4. Selective injection can be done in service:
You can use Spring's profile to solve this problem. Profiles can be used to correspond to different configurations (such as database configuration) in different environments to meet your needs.
The following configures three different attributes of the same bean under three profiles (dev, test, product):
How to enable a profile when the program starts? There are many ways, just choose one:
Code method
java command-Dspring.profiles.active="dev"
If it is a web project, you can configure web.xml
Starting with different profiles will load different beans and different configurations.
I don’t know if spel can solve the problem, you can search it and see