web应用在集群分布下,撇开缓存服务器和数据库存储session外session的处理一般分两类:一是session复制,还有一个是session stickysession stick会指定一台机器响应请求,一直有个疑问:“如果这台机器宕机了,根据session sticky的机制还是会往这台机器发送请求,所以这个时候负载均衡就没用了?还是说宕机以后session sticky的机制就没用了,服务器重新负载到其他的没有session的机器上?“
This depends on the implementation of your load balancing strategy. Please refer to Pros and Cons of Sticky Session / Session Affinity load blancing strategy?
This depends on the implementation of your load balancing strategy. Please refer to Pros and Cons of Sticky Session / Session Affinity load blancing strategy?