When querying the table, put the schema prefix, for example
select xxx from stage.table_name where ...;
2 situations:
1: Manually define the model
class Test(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'test' __table_args__ = { 'schema': 'other_schema' } id = db.Column('test_id', db.String(12), primary_key=True, ) name = db.Column('test_name', db.String(10))
When defining the model manually, add the __table_args__ parameter to specify the schema used by the model
2: Reflect a table in the schema into the Model
I use a factory function to generate Flask instances.
In factory function:
def create_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) CORS(app) config[config_name].init_app(app) db.init_app(app) # 总觉得这里的实现不是很好 有更好的解决方案请告知 tables = [‘test’] op = getattr(db.Model.metadata, ‘reflect’) op(bind=db.get_engine(app), only=tables, schema=’other_schema’) login_manager.init_app(app) from .hello import hello from .auth import auth app.register_blueprint(hello) app.register_blueprint(auth) return app
Reflection model definition:
class Test(db.Model): __tablename__ = ‘other_schema.test’ # 有时后数据表设计时没有主键,但SQLAlchemy需要有主键,对于这类表我们需要重新指定主键: # 这里有时候需要用 __mapper_args__ 指定这张表的primary_key是哪个 __mapper_args__ = { ‘primary_key’: [db.Model.metadata.tables[‘other_schema.test’].c.id] }
Then you can use ORM to operate tables of other schemas. I have been struggling with this problem for most of the day. I hope it can help people in need.
When querying the table, put the schema prefix, for example
2 situations:
1: Manually define the model
When defining the model manually, add the __table_args__ parameter to specify the schema used by the model
2: Reflect a table in the schema into the Model
I use a factory function to generate Flask instances.
In factory function:
Reflection model definition:
Then you can use ORM to operate tables of other schemas. I have been struggling with this problem for most of the day. I hope it can help people in need.