class Node(object):
def __init__(self, data=None, next_=None):
self.next_ = next_ = data
class LinkList(object):
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.tear = None
def insert(self, node):
if self.head is None:
# print("is None")
self.head = node
self.tear = node
self.head.next_ = self.tear
# print("tear")
self.tear.next_ = node
self.tear = node
def display(self):
# global node
node = self.head
if node is not None:
node = node.next_
不把变量node设置为global的话,if语句下面node = node.next_这句 ,被赋值的node是一个新的变量(PyCharm提示Shadows name 'node' from outer scope和Local variable 'node' value is not used)
请问问题出在哪里 ?
Python's variable scope:
The module corresponds to global,
The innermost layer is local,
The outer layer is nonlocal
The variable search order: inner scope ->outer layer->global->builtin
only class, def and lamda will change the scope
When reading a variable, if local does not exist, search for nonlocal, then global
When writing a variable, if nonlocal/global is not specified, a new variable is defined in the local scope
The following example is taken from Chapter 9 of the python tutorial
I have executed your code in the interpreter and PyCharm and haven’t seen the problem you mentioned. It's best to post the executed code as well. I don't see any problems just by looking at these.