def updateqq():
versionform = VersionForm()
rsyncwork = rsyncPro()
if versionform.validate_on_submit():
session['proId'] = request.form.get('selectid')
session['versionNum'] = versionform.version.data
print session.get('proId')
print session.get('versionNum')
project_name = proDic.get('%s' %session.get('proId'))['pro_name']
project_local_dir = proDic.get('%s' %session.get('proId'))['pro_dir']
project_online_dir = proDic.get('%s' %session.get('proId'))['ol_dir']
project_ip = proDic.get('%s' %session.get('proId'))['pro_ip']
project_cmd = proDic.get('%s' %session.get('proId'))['pro_up']
print project_name,project_local_dir,project_online_dir,project_ip,project_cmd
up_version = int(session.get('versionNum'))
return redirect(url_for('qq.updateqq'))
return render_template('qq/updateqq.html',
prodict = pronameDict(),
versionform = versionform)
This cannot be done by relying on flask. The model of flask is: request-response. And your need is independent of this process.
Simply put, you need a system to help you handle asynchronous tasks. Considering that you use Python, I recommend celery.
Easier solution:
front-end submission information
The view layer saves the information to the database or somewhere, including who, for whom, what to do, and sets the initial status to incomplete
Run a background script, loop endlessly, continuously read unfinished tasks from the place saved above, execute specific tasks, and mark them as completed.
You are referring to flask's asynchronous message response, which requires the use of a message queue. The function of the message queue is to only cache the user's current request but not actually process it. It will derive the message to the corresponding worker for processing. You You can take a look at Flask-Celery, and also often use Flask-RQ