/usr/local/http2 Is this directory available?
The error report is very clear, the code execution error in line 80 of apachectl. Visually guess this is the line
/usr/local/http2 --enable-modules=all --enable-mods-shared=all --enable=so/bin/httpd 没有那个文件或目录
The files are /usr/local/http2 and so/bin/httpd. Just look for them. If the path is wrong, find it yourself, then replace it with the correct one and try again.
Is this directory available?The error report is very clear, the code execution error in line 80 of apachectl.
Visually guess this is the line
The files are /usr/local/http2 and so/bin/httpd. Just look for them.
If the path is wrong, find it yourself, then replace it with the correct one and try again.