我现在用的系统是win10的一周年更新版,里面自带子系统ubantu。我建立了自己的账号Timo,输入cd ~ 进入到了自己的home目录,很好用。现在的问题是整个ubantu系统保存在哪里,我一开始觉得是保存在C盘,但是linux的文件格式和windows又不一样,难道是windows自己把C盘部分转了格式吗? 很好奇windows是怎么处理这个问题的,现在我得home目录越来越大,我不知道它占用了我硬盘哪个位置的空间,很慌。
I don’t use windows, so I can only post an answer.
We do not produce answers, we are just a porter of answers.
Google search win10 linux location, and there are several links to stackoverflow.
It says that the Linux storage location is
Where {user} refers to the user in windows, {username} refers to the user in linux.
and your /home folder will be in
Below, you can find it in the relevant folders.
~~If you don’t want to take up space, you can just turn off the Linux subsystem from the system function
I don’t know, I’m just doing a share test!
I don’t use windows, so I can only post an answer.
We do not produce answers, we are just a porter of answers.
Google search win10 linux location, and there are several links to stackoverflow.
It says that the Linux storage location is
Where {user} refers to the user in windows, {username} refers to the user in linux.
and your /home folder will be in
Below, you can find it in the relevant folders.
~~If you don’t want to take up space, you can just turn off the Linux subsystem from the system function
I don’t know, I’m just doing a share test!