Simply using C++ to process Office documents is not a wise choice. If you must use C++, please refer to the following code:
CApplication ExcelApp; CWorkbooks books; CWorkbook book; CWorksheets sheets; CWorksheet sheet; CRange range; LPDISPATCH lpDisp = NULL; //创建Excel 服务器(启动Excel) if(!ExcelApp.CreateDispatch(_T("Excel.Application"),NULL)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("启动Excel服务器失败!")); return -1; } /*判断当前Excel的版本*/ CString strExcelVersion = ExcelApp.get_Version(); int iStart = 0; strExcelVersion = strExcelVersion.Tokenize(_T("."), iStart); if (_T("11") == strExcelVersion) { AfxMessageBox(_T("当前Excel的版本是2003。")); } else if (_T("12") == strExcelVersion) { AfxMessageBox(_T("当前Excel的版本是2007。")); } else { AfxMessageBox(_T("当前Excel的版本是其他版本。")); } ExcelApp.put_Visible(TRUE); ExcelApp.put_UserControl(FALSE); /*得到工作簿容器*/ books.AttachDispatch(ExcelApp.get_Workbooks()); /*打开一个工作簿,如不存在,则新增一个工作簿*/ CString strBookPath = _T("C:\tmp.xls"); try { /*打开一个工作簿*/ lpDisp = books.Open(strBookPath, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing); book.AttachDispatch(lpDisp); } catch(...) { /*增加一个新的工作簿*/ lpDisp = books.Add(vtMissing); book.AttachDispatch(lpDisp); } /*得到工作簿中的Sheet的容器*/ sheets.AttachDispatch(book.get_Sheets()); /*打开一个Sheet,如不存在,就新增一个Sheet*/ CString strSheetName = _T("NewSheet"); try { /*打开一个已有的Sheet*/ lpDisp = sheets.get_Item(_variant_t(strSheetName)); sheet.AttachDispatch(lpDisp); } catch(...) { /*创建一个新的Sheet*/ lpDisp = sheets.Add(vtMissing, vtMissing, _variant_t((long)1), vtMissing); sheet.AttachDispatch(lpDisp); sheet.put_Name(strSheetName); } system("pause"); /*向Sheet中写入多个单元格,规模为10*10 */ lpDisp = sheet.get_Range(_variant_t("A1"), _variant_t("J10")); range.AttachDispatch(lpDisp); VARTYPE vt = VT_I4; /*数组元素的类型,long*/ SAFEARRAYBOUND sabWrite[2]; /*用于定义数组的维数和下标的起始值*/ sabWrite[0].cElements = 10; sabWrite[0].lLbound = 0; sabWrite[1].cElements = 10; sabWrite[1].lLbound = 0; COleSafeArray olesaWrite; olesaWrite.Create(vt, sizeof(sabWrite)/sizeof(SAFEARRAYBOUND), sabWrite); /*通过指向数组的指针来对二维数组的元素进行间接赋值*/ long (*pArray)[2] = NULL; olesaWrite.AccessData((void **)&pArray); memset(pArray, 0, sabWrite[0].cElements * sabWrite[1].cElements * sizeof(long)); /*释放指向数组的指针*/ olesaWrite.UnaccessData(); pArray = NULL; /*对二维数组的元素进行逐个赋值*/ long index[2] = {0, 0}; long lFirstLBound = 0; long lFirstUBound = 0; long lSecondLBound = 0; long lSecondUBound = 0; olesaWrite.GetLBound(1, &lFirstLBound); olesaWrite.GetUBound(1, &lFirstUBound); olesaWrite.GetLBound(2, &lSecondLBound); olesaWrite.GetUBound(2, &lSecondUBound); for (long i = lFirstLBound; i <= lFirstUBound; i++) { index[0] = i; for (long j = lSecondLBound; j <= lSecondUBound; j++) { index[1] = j; long lElement = i * sabWrite[1].cElements + j; olesaWrite.PutElement(index, &lElement); } } /*把ColesaWritefeArray变量转换为VARIANT,并写入到Excel表格中*/ VARIANT varWrite = (VARIANT)olesaWrite; range.put_Value2(varWrite); system("pause"); /*根据文件的后缀名选择保存文件的格式*/ CString strSaveAsName = _T("C:\new.xlsx"); CString strSuffix = strSaveAsName.Mid(strSaveAsName.ReverseFind(_T('.'))); XlFileFormat NewFileFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbook; if (0 == strSuffix.CompareNoCase(_T(".xls"))) { NewFileFormat = xlExcel8; } book.SaveAs(_variant_t(strSaveAsName), _variant_t((long)NewFileFormat), vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, 0, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing); system("pause"); /*读取Excel表中的多个单元格的值,在listctrl中显示*/ VARIANT varRead = range.get_Value2(); COleSafeArray olesaRead(varRead); VARIANT varItem; CString strItem; lFirstLBound = 0; lFirstUBound = 0; lSecondLBound = 0; lSecondUBound = 0; olesaRead.GetLBound(1, &lFirstLBound); olesaRead.GetUBound(1, &lFirstUBound); olesaRead.GetLBound(2, &lSecondLBound); olesaRead.GetUBound(2, &lSecondUBound); memset(index, 0, 2 * sizeof(long)); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, _T(""), 0, 100); for (long j = lSecondLBound; j<= lSecondUBound; j++) { CString strColName = _T(""); strColName.Format(_T("%d"), j); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(j, strColName, 0, 100); } for (long i = lFirstLBound; i <= lFirstUBound; i++) { CString strRowName = _T(""); strRowName.Format(_T("%d"), i); m_ListCtrl.InsertItem(i-1, strRowName); index[0] = i; for (long j = lSecondLBound; j <= lSecondUBound; j++) { index[1] = j; olesaRead.GetElement(index, &varItem); switch (varItem.vt) { case VT_R8: { strItem.Format(_T("%d"), (int)varItem.dblVal); } case VT_BSTR: { strItem = varItem.bstrVal; } case VT_I4: { strItem.Format(_T("%ld"), (int)varItem.lVal); } default: { } } m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(i-1, j, strItem); } }
/*释放资源*/ sheet.ReleaseDispatch(); sheets.ReleaseDispatch(); book.ReleaseDispatch(); books.ReleaseDispatch(); ExcelApp.Quit(); ExcelApp.ReleaseDispatch();
Simply using C++ to process Office documents is not a wise choice. If you must use C++, please refer to the following code: