By overriding overridePendingTransition, you can customize the switching style of your activity. When starting or closing your own app, it has a lot to do with the system and mobile phone ROM. For example, in order to look more cool, Xiaomi 4 launches the app with various random animations. The latest Marshmallow launches the app in a screen-expanding style, and closes it with the effect of moving from top to bottom.
1. Some mobile phones come with default activity switching effects, such as Sony.
2. Check the switching animation of your app and compare
Did you use this overridePendingTransition
To add to what was said above, you should unify the switching style of your own app. Use overridePendingTransition when starting each activity.
By overriding overridePendingTransition, you can customize the switching style of your activity. When starting or closing your own app, it has a lot to do with the system and mobile phone ROM. For example, in order to look more cool, Xiaomi 4 launches the app with various random animations. The latest Marshmallow launches the app in a screen-expanding style, and closes it with the effect of moving from top to bottom.