我先来Xcode textmate gcc eclipse
PS: gcc is a compiler, not an editor. And the one on Mac is actually clang, right?
Sublime Text3 Xcode LiteIDE VIM
Sublime Text IntelliJ IDEA
macvim & atom
Sublime Text~ In addition, the editor is ready, all we need is a Mac~
intellij Idea / phpstorm / webstorm,sublimeText
Editor MacVim
the C-family languages (C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++) Configure as IDE with MacVim
Python using Pycharm
Java using IntelliJ IDEA
p.s. Pycharm IDEA are all products of jetbrains
vim textmate xcode IntelliJ_IEDA
PS: gcc is a compiler, not an editor. And the one on Mac is actually clang, right?
Sublime Text3 Xcode LiteIDE VIM
Sublime Text
IntelliJ IDEA
macvim & atom
Sublime Text~
In addition, the editor is ready, all we need is a Mac~
intellij Idea / phpstorm / webstorm,
Editor MacVim
the C-family languages (C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++) Configure as IDE with MacVim
Python using Pycharm
Java using IntelliJ IDEA
p.s. Pycharm IDEA are all products of jetbrains
vim textmate xcode IntelliJ_IEDA