因为要恢复网站备份的数据,结果发现有很多sql文件,一个一个导入太麻烦了,phpmyadmin,navicate for mysql, mysql 的 source 命令一次就只能导入一个sql文件,网上有说建一个sql文件,在里面把要导入的sql文件名写进去再用source 命令导入,经测试没用的;有没有有其他方法
Actually, can’t you just write a shell and be done?
Or you can try using the command
find / -name "*.sql" -exec mysql -uroot< {} \;
The above code is written casually! If you have not experienced actual application, please consider at your own discretion
Actually, can’t you just write a shell and be done?
Or you can try using the command
The above code is written casually! If you have not experienced actual application, please consider at your own discretion