尝试过的:直接在listItem里添加View,但是在Root ViewGroup 监听touch事件不知道怎么捕捉当前view以外的touch事件(比如用位置判断,感觉要对Event的判断异常麻烦)。也尝试过FocusChange的判断,但是新的layout requestFocus后点击其他地方都没有获得focus,虽然设了focusable和focusableInTouchMode,而且成本太高。最后还打算尝试在整个Fragment上盖一层alpha touch layer,然后用位置判断,不知道可不可行。
First of all, the picture hangs... (Sorry, it’s a problem with my machine accessing this website)
Second, in this case, my approach is usually to make a hidden layout in the ListItem, click on the item, Display or hide is realized by judging the display status of the originally hidden layout. What you are talking about is a bit like a dialog. You might as well refer to the dialog source code to take a look...
Others, I can’t add anything because my personal level is limited.