xs sm md 都有什么区别啊?
xs What is the difference between sm and md? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-What are the differences between xs sm md? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Let’s take a look and learn.
超小型设备 小型设备 中型设备 大型设备
<768px 768px< x <992px 992px<x<1200px <1200px
class前缀 .col-xs- .col-sm- .col-md- .col-lg-
列的和 12 12 12 12
列宽 auto 60px 78px 95px
手机算是超小型设备 依次往后排 最大的设备就是台式电脑
xs What is the difference between sm and md? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-What are the differences between xs sm md? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Let’s take a look and learn.
超小型设备 小型设备 中型设备 大型设备
<768px 768px< x <992px 992px<x<1200px <1200px
class前缀 .col-xs- .col-sm- .col-md- .col-lg-
列的和 12 12 12 12
列宽 auto 60px 78px 95px
手机算是超小型设备 依次往后排 最大的设备就是台式电脑