What is the difference between :: and : in CSS3? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-What is the difference between :: and : in CSS3? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
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伪元素和伪类之所以这么容易混淆,是因为他们的效果类似而且写法相仿,但实际上 css3 为了区分两者,已经明确规定了伪类用一个冒号来表示,而伪元素则用两个冒号来表示。
What is the difference between :: and : in CSS3? -PHP Chinese website Q&A-What is the difference between :: and : in CSS3? -PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look around and learn.
伪元素和伪类之所以这么容易混淆,是因为他们的效果类似而且写法相仿,但实际上 css3 为了区分两者,已经明确规定了伪类用一个冒号来表示,而伪元素则用两个冒号来表示。