If I have sale_price, I will use sale_price * quantity to represent the total price, If you don't have a sale_price, you need to express the total price as Price_origin * quantity.
I tried using CASE as below but got this error.
Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual for your MySQL server version for ') )AS products FROM users u JOIN cart_order c_o ON c_o.user_id = Correct syntax to use around u'
What did i do wrong? Is there any other method? I need help.
const readUserCart = async userId => { const userCart = await myDataSource.query( `SELECT u.id AS userId, u.name AS userName, JSON_ARRAYAGG( JSON_OBJECT( 'productName', p.name, 'quantity', c_o.quantity, 'priceOrigin', REPLACE(p.price_origin, '.', ','), 'salePrice', REPLACE(p.sale_price, '.', ','), 'productThumbnail', t_i.default_img, 'status', c_o.status, 'price', CASE WHEN p.sale_price = null THEN REPLACE(p.price_origin * quantity, '.', ',') ELSE REPLACE(p.sale_price * quantity, '.', ',') ) )AS products FROM users u JOIN cart_order c_o ON c_o.user_id = u.id JOIN products p ON p.id = c_o.product_id WHERE u.id = ? GROUP BY u.id`, [userId] ); return userCart; };
Try to compare "sale_price is null" with "sale_price = null". Maybe it helps you.