I have two tables
id | Name | universe_id |
12 | mark | 1 |
99 | Gingpian | 1 |
id | Name |
1 | Andromeda |
2 | aurora |
How to use Universe name instead of universe_id to return hero
table data. Sorry, I don't have enough sql experience to accomplish this simple task. I read some answers in SO that require using JOIN.
I try to do something like this.
exports.getHero = (req, res) => { const sql = "SELECT * FROM `hero` WHERE `id`='" + req.params.id + "' JOIN `universe` WHERE `id`=`universe_id` ON `hero.universe_id`=`universe.id`"; db.query(sql, (error, results) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } else { response.returnSingleValue(results, res); } }); };
But this doesn't work.
The expected result is:
[{ id: 12, name: Mark, universe_id: Andromeda }, { id: 99, name: Glume, universe_id: Andromeda }]
You can join
on theid
value and then intentionally select the initialSELECT# you want to see in the output ## Fields in clause: