I started with this project: https://github.com/suhasrkms/laravel-with-firebase-auth (I downloaded the zip for email/password authentication). To duplicate the problem I ran
Composer requires kreait/laravel-firebase:^4.0 -W
Updated from version kreait/laravel-firebase:^3.0 I get this error.
Resolving [parameter #0 [ string $projectId ]] unresolved dependency in class Kreait\Firebase\Auth\ApiClient
Initially I tried to migrate this configuration to Laravel 10 using kreait/laravel-firebase:^5.1, however, for the life of me I don't know how to resolve this error. I've loaded the config file in .env and I can use my firestore controller just fine. I'd like to be able to do front-end authentication quickly, but this error is blocking progress. I'm guessing the configuration changed between version 3 and 4.
kreait/laravel-firebase Constructor updated.
Changed to this
We have to change the entire project
and replace it with
And the repository has been updated to the latest version, see Bump to Laravel V10.9.0.