I'm trying to build a WebComponent without using ShadowDOM - so far it's basically just working, but now I want to build a component that wraps other components, like using Angular's @ViewChild
/ @ViewChildren
Same. (The library I use for rendering here is uhtl, similar to lit-html)
export class Dropdown extends HTMLElement { private open: boolean = false; static observedAttributes = ["open"] constructor() { super(); } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string) { switch (name) { case "open": this.open = Boolean(newValue); break; } this.display() } connectedCallback() { this.display() } display = () => { render(this, html` <div> <slot name="item"> </slot> </div> `) } static register = () => customElements.define("my-dropdown", Dropdown) }
If I use this component now
Dropdown.register(); render(document.body, html` <my-dropdown open="true"> <strong slot="item">test</strong> </my-dropdown> `)
I look forward to seeing it
<my-dropdown> <div> <strong>test</test> </div> </my-dropdown>
But the slot part doesn't work.
If I switch to ShadowDOM it works, but now I have to deal with ShadowDOM's sandboxing and I don't want to do that.
constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({mode: "open"}) }
display = () => { render(this.shadowRoot as Node, html`
Is it possible to make slots work without ShadowDOM? If not, is there a different way to get what is defined inside the component and use it inside the display?
<my-component> <div>some content here</div> </my-component>
should be rendered as
<my-component> <header> random header </header> <section> <!-- my custom content --> <div>some content here</div> </section> </my-component>
Any suggestions?
is part of the ShadowDOM APIYou can fake it, but since there is no shadowDOM, you have to store that content somewhere else.
Probably your
that reads and parses the (light) DOM content.This is a bunch of DOM mutations.
It might be easier to learn to use ShadowDOM styles: