What am I doing wrong here? Why is the css not being applied to the div and making it blurry? Can anyone help make my navbar blurry?
I want my navigation bar to be blurred
Most likely because you are adding blur to the container rather than the element before it. Check out this codesandbox where h1 has blur applied: https://codesandbox.io/s/purple-microservice-gcvbm1?file=/src/App.js:87-96
When you remove the container class from the div you will find that the blur is not visible.
To be clearer: the background filter applies to the %E behind the element it is applied to
Most likely because you are adding blur to the container rather than the element before it. Check out this codesandbox where
has blur applied: https://codesandbox.io/s/purple-microservice-gcvbm1?file=/src/App.js:87-96When you remove the
class from thediv
you will find that the blur is not visible.To be clearer: the background filter applies to the %E behind the element it is applied to