I'm using MySQL and Typeorm in the latest version of nestjs and I have the following entities:
@Entity() export class Shop { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn("uuid") id: string; @Column({ unique: true, nullable: false }) name: string; @Column({ nullable: true }) description: string; @Column({ default: "" }) image_url: string; @Column({ default: true }) is_active: boolean; @Column({ default: false }) is_special: boolean; @Column({ nullable: false, default: () => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }) created_at: Date; }
@Entity() export class Offer { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn("uuid") id: string; @Column({ nullable: false }) name: string; @Column({ nullable: false }) fabric: string; @Column({ nullable: false }) code: string; @Column({ nullable: false }) start_date: Date; @Column({ nullable: false }) end_date: Date; @Column({ default: "" }) description: string; @Column({ nullable: false, default: () => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }) created_at: Date; }
shop.service.ts Filter query
async filter(filter: FilterShopDto) { const queryBuilder = this.shopRepository .createQueryBuilder("shop") .where( `shop.description LIKE :description`, { description: filter.description ? `%${filter.description}%` : "%", }, ) .orderBy("shop.created_at", "DESC") .skip(filter.skip) .take(filter.take) }
offer.service.ts Quote Filter
async filter(filter: FilterOfferDto) { const queryBuilder = this.offerRepository .createQueryBuilder("offer") .where( " offer.description LIKE :description", { description: filter.description ? `%${filter.description}%` : "%", }, ) .orderBy( "offer.created_at", "DESC", ) .skip(filter.skip) .take(filter.take) }
Each query is working fine, but what I want to do is combine these two queries into one query so that I can get the search results from the store and the offer and sort the records and then apply skip and accept them. Is there any way to do this?
TypeORM enables you to use any query you want. Use entityManager.query() This is documentation. p>