So I'm wondering if there is a way to pass Javascript variables into PHP. I'm making a script that gets a location from a website and inserts this location into MySQL to get some analytics data.
This is my Javascript function:
function getPosition(position) { const latitude = position.coords.latitude; const longitude = position.coords.longitude; const geoApiUrl = '${latitude}&longitude=${longitude}'; fetch(geoApiUrl) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { position = console.log(position) }) }
I want to pass position
into PHP. This function is called when the page loads.
I tried using express but it doesn't work for me.
To pass JavaScript variables to PHP and insert them into a MySQL database, you can use AJAX to send the data to a PHP script on the server.
On the client, use JavaScript to get location data (latitude and longitude). Use external API (such as to obtain city data. After obtaining the city data, make an AJAX POST request to the PHP script on the server. In a PHP script, access the location data from the $_POST superglobal variable and insert it into a MySQL database using PDO or MySQLi. Here is a concise code example:
PHP (insert_location.php):