So German decimal numbers use decimal commas. When formatting, we also use periods to group numbers. So the number 10000.45 will be formatted as 10.000,45.
Now I want an input field (number or text) where you can enter the "German" way using periods and commas. However, I also want to track "normal" values in JavaScript.
Use the following command to easily convert a numerical value to a value in German format
number.toLocaleString("de-DE", { maxFractionDigits: 2 })
But how to restore it to decimal number? Because when I display a value in german format like "7,20" I append to the end, right?
This is a preliminary attempt at svelte-repl, as shown below:
<script> let numericValue = 0; let formattedValue = ''; function formatNumber(value) { return value.toLocaleString("de", { minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2 }); } function handleInput(event) { // Remove dots as thousand separators and convert decimal comma to dot const inputValue =\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '.'); // Update numericValue with parsed float numericValue = parseFloat(inputValue); // Update formattedValue for display formattedValue = formatNumber(numericValue); } </script> <input type="text" value={formattedValue} on:input={handleInput} /> <p>Numeric value: {numericValue}</p>
Ideally I would like to display the formatted value on the input event. But it can also appear on on-change events. Or even use the button on the side or something. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! :)
I recommend not messing with user input, i.e. not setting
in theinput
event handler. If you want to format numbers nicely, do this when the component is first shown, and do it onBlur
to prevent interfering with the user's intent.If you really want to enforce a certain format when the user enters it, it's not trivial because cursor position, number signs, clear values, and other factors must be taken into account. There are also libraries that can achieve this, such as