Group search results into groups and store as an array of objects
P粉198814372 2023-09-10 23:18:31

In PHP I usegrepto search and count all cases of certain classes in almost all files.

\exec("grep -orE '" . $classesBarred . "' ../../front/src/components | sort | uniq -c", $allClassesCount);

where$classesBarredcontains class strings similar tosearch-unfocused|bg-app|enlarged-window(but more).

The current result is

' 2 ../../front/src/components/Actions/ActionOwner.vue:show', ' 1 ../../front/src/components/Actions/ActionOwner.vue:action', ' 1 ../../front/src/components/Actions/ActionOwner.vue:show', ' 5 ../../front/src/components/Actions/ActionOwner.vue:action', ' 1 ../../front/src/components/Actions/ActionOwner.vue:show', ....(还有几百行类似的结果)

I need to save the results in an array, similar to:

[ {show: 38}, {action: 123}, {search-unfocused: 90}, {....} ]

edit:@Freeman provided a solution here, usingawk

grep -orE "btn-gray|btn-outline-white" ../../front/src/components | awk -F: '{print$2}' | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' |sort| uniq-c| awk '{print $2 "::" $1}'

The following results were obtained:

btn-gray::1 btn-outline-white::13


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Yes, I can see that your code usesawkto rearrange the output ofgrepinto two columns, one column is the class name and the other is the count, The output results are as follows:

search-unfocused 90 bg-app 5 enlarged-window 12

Now you can parse this output into an array through PHP, the code is as follows:

$results = array(); foreach ($allClassesCount as $line) { $parts = explode(" ", $line); $className = $parts[0]; $count = (int)$parts[1]; if (!isset($results[$className])) { $results[$className] = $count; } else { $results[$className] += $count; } }

The results of the array are as follows:

[ "search-unfocused" => 90, "bg-app" => 5, "enlarged-window" => 12, ... ]

If you insist on using awk and sed, you can do this:

grep -orE "$classesBarred" ../../front/src/components | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | awk -F ':' '{print }' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", ); print "{\"""\": ""},"}' | paste -sd '' | sed 's/,$//' | awk '{print "["
[ {"show": 38}, {"action": 123}, {"search-unfocused": 90}, {....} ]

The results are as follows:


Good luck!

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