I'm trying to use $_GET to extract an id from get-albums-genres.php?gid=".$id." but it returns me undefined!
After extracting the data from the genre table, I ran a SQL query using an array to get the music genre data
$dbcursor = $db->query(" SELECT * FROM GENRES_TBL ORDER BY ID "); $genres = []; while($takegenre = $dbcursor->fetch_object()) $genres[] = $takegenre;
After this, I created an html table containing <a tags, using a foreach loop to create hyperlinks for each type of music.
<?php foreach($genres as $gs) { $id = $gs->ID; echo " <a class='gentons' href='get-albums-genres.php?gid=".$id."'>".$gs->GENRE."</a>"; } ?> </table>
With these hyperlinks, I want to display a table of all albums of the selected genre. To achieve this, I plan to extract the id from the href and use it in a SQL query to concatenate the album type id to the type id, but when extracting the id with $_GET, I am getting the # of the album. When declaring a variable in ##php file and using $_GET, it returns me undefined value.
$genre_id = $_GET['gid']; echo"$genre_id"; //undefined if(isset ($_GET['gid'])){ echo"yes"; }else{ echo"no"; } //yesThe Javascript code with events is as follows:
$(document).on('click', 'a.gentons', function(e) { $.get('get-albums-genres.php?gid=' + $('input[name="gid"]').val(), function(data) { $('#albums-list').html(data); }); return false; })This is weird because I did the exact same thing in another php file, I entered the artist's
name or best songs and all his albums were found and displayed, and There I use the $_GET method without any problems. I also don't understand why when I hover the cursor over a hyperlink it shows the link and the corresponding id, but when I try to extract it I have a problem.
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You have a few questions here. First, instead of using the href in the link tag (you definitely don't want anyone to actually visit the URL, right?), let's set the href to
# and put our type id in a data in properties. Let's make single quotes and double quotes clear while we're at it.
Now in our JS, we can cancel the event using
, get the type ID, and leave the rest unchanged.This should work, or at least help you resolve the next error.