I'm trying to convert MySQLi query errors into exceptions, but it's not possible - the mysqli_sql_exception exception is only thrown when connecting to the database fails.
I used mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT)
with a procedural MySQLi function embedded in a custom wrapper class.
Previous code:
public function mysqlQuery($SQL) { $this->Result = mysqli_query($this->DBlink, $SQL); if($this->Result === false) throw new MySQLiQueryException($SQL, mysqli_error($this->DBlink), mysqli_errno($this->DBlink)); return $this->Result; }
Question: No warning or exception is thrown when a query fails, is this normal? So I have to check if mysqli_query() returns false?
You should be able to follow your requirements and instruct the mysqli driver to throw an exception on SQL errors, but you will need to enable
if it is not already enabled....mysqli_query()
Should now throw an exception on error. You don't need to check the return value on failure (the exception will be thrown anyway).(Note: I changed
in the rethrown exception.)Some time ago I successfully solved this problem. As pointed out inother answers,
is the correct way to tell mysqli to throw an exception.
Just make surenot to wrap try-catchin every query. This is a very common misconception, once you start using exceptions you should start throwing try and catch everywhere. In contrast, try-catch should be used with caution. Although 99% of errors should not be handled on site but by a site-wide error handler. You can learn more about this topic from myPHP Error Reportingarticle.