How to reset or change MySQL's root password: MySQL Password Reset Guide
2023-08-20 15:35:51
<p>How to change MySQL root password and username on Ubuntu server? Do I need to stop the mysql service before making any changes? </p>
<p>I also installed phpmyadmin. Will phpmyadmin be updated automatically? </p>
The only way that worked for me was the one described here (I'm running ubuntu 14.04). For clarity, here are the steps I followed:
sudo vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Add the following lines at the end:
sudo service mysql restart
mysql -u root
use mysql
select * from mysql.user where user = 'root';
- look at the top to determine if the password column is called password or authentication_stringUPDATE mysql.user set *password_field from above* = PASSWORD('your_new_password') where user = 'root' and host = 'localhost';
- Use the correct password field from aboveFLUSH PRIVILEGES;
sudo vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf
If you want to maintain security standards, delete the line added in step 2.
sudo service mysql restart
Set/change/reset MySQL's root password on Ubuntu Linux. Enter the following command in the terminal.
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
does not exist, you need to create it first:sudo mkdir -v /var/run/mysqld && sudo chown mysql /var/run/mysqld
Configuration:sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables &
mysql -u root mysql
with your new password:For MySQL < 8.0
If your MySQL uses the new authentication plugin, you need to use:
update user set plugin="mysql_native_password" where User='root';
before refreshing permissions.Note: This method is not considered the most secure way to reset your password, but it works.
For MySQL >= 8.0
last step:
As mentioned in @lambart's comment, you may need to kill the temporary passwordless mysql process you started, i.e.
sudo killall -9 mysqld
, and then start the normal daemon:sudo service mysql start