<style type="text/css"> .two:not(p){ color: orange; } </style> <div class="two"> 从脱贫攻坚,到志愿服务;从大学校园,到民营企业;从祖国边疆,到创新一线……一封封回信,饱含深情、字字暖心、催人奋进,体现着心心相印的人民情怀,蕴含着对治国理政的深刻思考,表达着对奋进新时代的殷切希望。 <p>日报推出“牢记嘱托 奔跑追梦——收到回信之后”系列,与您一起见证发展变化、感悟初心使命。今天刊发第十一篇《莫斯科大学中国留学生:“让留学报国的光荣传统薪火相传”》。</p></div>
Normally, the content in the P tag should be the default color. The contents of the DIV except the P tag are in Orange color, but now they are all in Orange color. Why
I also tried it. As follows:
The results were as follows:
Add a non-P tag to the first paragraph, such as span
and then .two :not(p){ color: orange; } in the style. Just put a space after two!