84669 person learning
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$('.list-item i[class*="fa-check"]')
$('.list-item i[class$="checked"]')
What do the *= and $= inside mean?
[attribute*=value] The selector matches every element whose attribute value contains the specified value.
[attribute$=value] The selector matches elements whose attribute value ends with the specified value.
These can be found in the manual. It is recommended that you read the manual first and supplement the basics.
Manual download address: //m.sbmmt.com/xiazai/shouce
[attribute*=value] The selector matches every element whose attribute value contains the specified value.
[attribute$=value] The selector matches elements whose attribute value ends with the specified value.
These can be found in the manual. It is recommended that you read the manual first and supplement the basics.
Manual download address: //m.sbmmt.com/xiazai/shouce