I beg you to help me! I beg you to help me!
奋斗 2019-04-05 23:53:29

I planned a website project a while ago. I have written all the plans and found a partner (because my personal funds are relatively small, so I need to find a technical partner with "website building expertise"). Now He dragged me again and again and let me go several times. Now it is equivalent to being completely abandoned.

I feel really bad but I have nowhere to cry. I don’t want to live an ordinary life. From today on, I will completely devote myself to studying. It turns out that I have registered an account on our site, but now I don’t want to log in with that one, and I have completely abandoned it, because I have never been able to make up my mind to study, and it took me a long time to log in with a new account due to my own reasons. Let go of the original thoughts and let everything start again.

The purpose of registering this account now is to urge myself to study and become a new self from today on. I hope to get the support, affirmation and supervision of my seniors. I (call me Xiaoma, born in 1998, 21 years old) can’t express my gratitude to you all.

From now on I will study no less than 5 hours a day and no less than 5 days a week. I will learn PHP immediately. I will be able to put it into practice immediately and regard php.cn as mine. Family, I want to fight for my life.

If there are friends like me who see this, I hope we can work together for the same goal.

Personal description: I know basic html; css, js but not yet. I want a php tutorial suitable for me to learn and a tutorial for actual website building (such as mysql), trend For practical purposes, it is best to use the latest tutorials in the past two years and ask for help from seniors. I am not too stupid and can learn things quickly. Judging from the fact that I study 5 hours a day, how long will it take for me to make the same thing? The same website as php.cn

was written on April 5, 2019, Friday, Qingming Festival


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Don’t panic, it’s a small problem. I have a lot of resources. Go here to find them. I also studied here before.

  • reply Regardless of whether it’s an advertisement or not, let me say thank you in advance.
    奋斗 author 2019-04-07 21:59:29
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