Configuration: phpstudy 2018
Integrated apache5.6.27 MYSQL
System: windows server2008r2 {Tencent Cloud Server}
Local: 1272.0.0.1 Port 80,; website stand-alone Debugging is completed; the advanced firewall settings create new inbound rules and individually enable 80, 443, and 3306; the website configuration domain name resolution is normal.
Description: The server opens the firewall configuration: after the public network location is set, the external network cannot be accessed. [Port 80/443/3306 can be opened separately in the advanced firewall settings].
The server closes the firewall configuration: after the public network location is set, the external network can be accessed normally.
Please answer from the teacher:
For security reasons, should the firewall be turned on? After opening it, the port number has been released separately. Why can't I access it? How to set it up?
In windows server2008, the phpstudy interface can directly turn on/off the running of apache and Mysql. The windows system - local service - includes: apache and mysqla services, these two services and phpstudy Interface conflict, port problem? [phpstudy interface - other options menu - service manager - apache, mysql installation service has been tried]
After you enable the firewall, open port 80 separately