var itemarrays=["足球","篮球","网球"];
有没有一个函数可以删除里面的值呢? 例如 itemarrys.del("篮球")这样子 目前我是用jquery的$.inArray(""); var index=$.inArray("篮球",itemarrays) 返回key然后再用. itemarrys.splice(index,1);删除 但是我觉得这样不够漂亮。请问有没有简单点的方法呢? .del()是不是一定要自己写呢?
How to delete specific values in javascript array operations-PHP Chinese website Q&A-How to delete specific values in javascript array operations-PHP Chinese website Q&A
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Object.prototype.del=function(v){ var i; for(i in this){ if(this[i]===v) this.splice(i,1); } };
How to delete specific values in javascript array operations-PHP Chinese website Q&A-How to delete specific values in javascript array operations-PHP Chinese website Q&A
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