/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/json-2.1.0/lib/json/common.rb:156:in `parse': 765: unexpected token at 'decode() argument 1 must be string, not None (JSON::ParserError)
Ruby xxx.rb can be executed normally in the terminal, but this error is prompted when the Jenkins page executes the shell. The ruby code is as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
cmd = "/usr/local/bin/aliyuncli ecs DescribeInstances -- output json --PageSize 50 --RegionId "
RegionIds = ["cn-hangzhou","cn-qingdao","cn-beijing","cn-hongkong","cn-shenzhen"," us-west-1"]
RegionIds.each do |regionid|
data = `#{cmd} #{regionid}`
data = JSON.parse( data)
data["Instances"]["Instance"].each {|instance| print instance["RegionId"]," ",instance["InstanceName"]," ",instance["PublicIpAddress "]["IpAddress"][0]," ",instance["InnerIpAddress"]["IpAddress"][0],"\n"}
#puts data